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Certain tables in the ResourceXpress database are updated with new records on a regular basis. Some of these tables store vital application information, such as Bookings records, while others record device and 3rd party booking system activity which can be useful when troubleshooting a problem.


Table Name


Potential Growth


Records Room Screen connectivity events.

Each Room Screen profile creates 1 record every 60 seconds.

To calculate the amount of records generated in a 24 hour period you can multiply the number of room screen devices in your environment by 1440e.g.


60 Room Screens would be 60 * 1440 = 86,400 records in a 24 hour period.*


Any Room Screen profile integrated to a 3rd party booking system will have a corresponding Booking System record when an event is written to the ConnectivityLog

Each Room Screen profile with an active 3rd party booking system integration creates 1 record every 60 seconds.

The same formula detailed in the ConnectivityLog table can be used to estimate the number of generated records


Connections to the application from a Qubi 2, Qubi 3 or TD-0350 desk device are stored here.

Each of the listed desk devices will create 1 record every 60 seconds.

The same formula detailed in the ConnectivityLog table can be used to estimate the number of generated records


Local bookings and 3rd party booking system records.

Each booking either created locally in the application or syncronised from a 3rd party booking system will create 1 record per configured profile.


Admin configured resource messages that are broadcast to Room Screens and Kiosks

Resource Messages records still persist in the database even after the configured expiry date has passed. If the message is deleted from the admin console it is also removed from the database.


Any “Call for Help” reports for faulty equipment or other resources made from Room Screens or Kiosks.

Equipment Problem records persist in the database even when the problem has been closed in the admin console.


*Records are not generated when the profile is in Energy Saving Mode

Available Maintenance Actions
