Info |
Store this ID, it will be required in the RX Configurationsection of this guide. |
If you are using Authentication in RX your user accounts will need to be linked using unique OfficeSpace ID numbers, it may be beneficial to take a copy/export of all your user details here.
RX Configuration
Connect RX to OfficeSpace
If you are using Authentication in ResourceXpress then you will need to have user accounts in ResourceXpress.
Info |
If you do not already have user accounts created check out our guides on users. |
For bookings to be successfully created in OfficeSpace as the authenticated user they will need to have their OfficeSpace ID linked with their RX Account.
To get an OfficeSpace User ID please follow the steps for finding the Service User Account ID as detailed previously in this guide.
Once you have the required user IDs navigate to the Users page in ResourceXpress.
This can be accessed under the User Management navigation menu dropdown.
From here you can either use the Export & Import tools to update users in bulk or individually modify users by clicking the edit icon ().
Enter the appropriate OfficeSpace ID into the Client Employee ID field.