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Request for User Status Work Places based on date and time.

This will return the user's status and working location Work Places based on a date and time frame.







The request will have five valid parameters.

The Id or EmailAddress can be used; at least one is required.The

Date is optional and used to find - optional, the user's status for a future day; if not included the current date should be used.
The StartTime & EndTime are optional and Work Place information should be returned only for the specified day.

StartDateTime & EndDateTime - optional, used to get a user's status Work Place information based on a specific time frame; if date & time range.

If either the Date or StartDateTime/EndDateTime are not included the status should be returned based on the current timeday.


Code Block
  "Id": int,
  "EmailAddress": "string (email address)",
  "Date": "dd/MM/yyyy",
  "StartTimeStartDateTime": "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm",
  "EndTimeEndDateTime": "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"


The response will include the user's status and working location based on the requested time range.

If the user has a booking during the requested time frame then information about that booking should also be returned.

The WorkingLocation Work Locations should be returned based on the requested time frame.
WorkingLocationSchedule DefaultWorkPlaces should also be included which is the default weekly schedule the user has defined.

FutureWorkingLocation WorkPlaceExceptions will be dates and times that the user has specified as differing from their default schedule. This will only show future events.


Code Block
  "Id": int,
  "EmailAddress": "string (email address)",
  "Date": "yyyydd/MM/DDyyyy",
  "StartTimeStartDateTime": "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm",
  "EndTimeEndDateTime": "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"
  "Status": "string",
// available, busy, do not disturb, away, offline
  "CurrentWorkingLocation"CurrentWorkPlace": "string",
  "ActiveBooking": int, // if in a booking include booking ID
  "WorkingLocationScheduleDefaultWorkPlaces": Object{
    "Monday": Array[
      Object{"StartTime": "09:00", "EndTime": "17:00", "LocationPlace": "string"}
    "Tuesday": Array[
      Object{"StartTime": "09:00", "EndTime": "17:00", "LocationPlace": "string"}
    "Wednesday": Array[
      Object{"StartTime": "09:00", "EndTime": "17:00", "LocationPlace": "string"}
    "Thursday": Array[
      Object{"StartTime": "09:00", "EndTime": "17:00", "LocationPlace": "string"}
    "Friday": Array[
      Object{"StartTime": "09:00", "EndTime": "17:00", "LocationPlace": "string"}
    "Saturday": Array[],
    "Sunday": Array[],
  "FutureWorkingLocationWorkPlaceExceptions": Array[
      "Id": int,
      "Date": "dd/MM/yyyy",
      "StartTime": "HH:mm",
      "EndTime": "HH:mm",
      "WorkingLocationWorkPlace": "string"