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A detailed list of Setup & Cleardown requirements.


The The Facilities Work Schedule works in conjunction with the  is based on the Setup & Cleardown option, more details about setting this up are  options available in the Space Type settings guide Space Settings Tab.


This report page is available to users with the Facilities or Admin Roles

When  When a booking is created in for a space workspace with Setup or Cleardown times enabled an entry will be added to this report, allowing the facilities team to take the necessary actions to prepare each resource, before and after, each booking.

By default, the the Facilities Work Schedule Schedule report will show all relevant bookings for the current day throughout the system , but if users have restricted location access, via the the Allowed Locations option under  option under User Management, they will only be able to see bookings from for their restricted locations.


Using the filter options reports can be generated for more specific requirements such as future days or a larger timeframe, specific locations or space types.


This report is emailed daily at 6 am (local time) to the configured Facility Admin email address.


This report page is only available to users with the Facilities or Admin Roles

Added in v2021.7

The status dropdown can be used to filter results to show resources with an active Setup or Cleardown.





The unique value for each booking entry.
This is also a button to view more detailed information about each booking.

Resource Name - Display

The resource name, allowing the facilities team to know where they are needed.


The meeting title


The person who has created the booking.

Any attendees

Attendees can be viewed by hovering over the organizer's name.

Setup Time Start
Setup TIme End

This is the allocated time before a booking begins, which the facilities team

will have

need to prepare the resource.


During this time no other bookings can be made.

Cleardown Time Start
Cleardown Time End

Similar to the Setup Times, this is the allocated


time after


 each booking, during which the facilities team

will have Thie information about the conflicting booking will be displayed in this column, including the booking subject, organiser and the setup and cleardown start and end times.

need to prepare the resource for the next booking.


During this time no other bookings can be made.

Conflict Details

If the Cleardown Time and Setup Time of two bookings overlap for a resource, in the case of this, the latter bookings Setup Time is removed and highlighted by red text.

Setup & Cleardown Conflict

When Setup and/or Cleardown times are applied to a booking and this affects a previously booked event the details of the original conflicted booking will be displayed in this column.

In this event, the Setup and/or Cleardown times for the latter booking will be modified and highlighted in red.

Same day conflicts will be individually notified to Facilities Admin(s) via email.

Max Occupancy Alert


Max Occupancy Alert was added in v1.9.1

When a booking is created via a 3rd party booking system which causes the max occupancy for a location to be exceeded an alert email will be sent to the defined Facilities Admin(s) .

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The relevant booking will also be listed in the Facilities Work Schedule Report as conflict.

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Hovering over the occupancy warning will provide further information about the warning.

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