Hidden Labels

The new markers have the option to hide the label either by space type or individual resources.

  • This option is only available when using the new marker style.

  • Some experience with JSON is recommended but not required.
    If you require any assistance please contact our support team at helpdesk@qedas.com

Hide Label by SpaceType

This option is similar to the Show Text option available when adding a new Map Resource Object (Marker).

However, this option will automatically be applied to all markers for the selected SpaceType.

Small Markers

Combined with the Small Markers this can be useful for more densely populated areas, such as desks or parking spaces where the name label might not be as important.

How to configure

Similar to the new marker style, these options can be configured via the Stylesheet.

Navigate to the Stylesheets page, found under the Administration Settings menu.
Find the correct Stylesheet from the list and click the Edit icon ().

Navigate to the Map Profiles page via the Admin Dashboard, this can be accessed under the Administration Settings menu.

Find the Map profile that you want to update, then click the Edit icon () in the Action column.

This is the Stylesheet that needs to be updated.

You will see the Stylesheet editor, it should look similar to the above.

You will need to modify the JSON data found above the line /** LINE REQUIRED - CSS BELOW **/.

Below is an example of a hidden marker configuration.

In this example, 3 different Space Types have been configured to not display their Tooltip/Labels (Parking, Desk and Huddle spaces).
Any existing SpaceType value can be used.

"hide_labels": ["Parking","Desk","Huddle Space"],

The “hide_labels” value expects an array of SpaceTypes.
These need to be listed inside the square brackets “[…]” each SpaceType needs to be in quotation marks, separated by commas. The final value listed should not have a comma after it.

This option will hide the label for all resources with the specified Space Type.
It can also be applied at a more ganular level, to each marker by using the Show Text option.
Check out our Map Resource Object guide for more information.

For assistance with this configuration please contact our support team at helpdesk@qedas.com


The following macros are not currently supported in the footer:
  • style