The Alerts tab is used to specify alert configuration details. For example, if a room booking is auto cancelled an email is sent to alert users



ResourceXpress Host Name

Enter the address of your ResourceXpress domain.

Facility Support Email

Facilities email address to send alert notifications to.

Cleardown Notification Email

Email address to send an alert notification to when a resource goes into Cleardown state.

Cleardown Notification Email Subject

The subject for the Cleardown Notification Email.

Auto Cancellation Event



Notify Auto Cancellation

Enable an email to be sent if an Auto Cancellation event has occurred.

Email To

Email address of the intended recipient of Auto Cancellation emails.
An email is also sent to the meeting organiser.

Email Subject

Editable field of Subject in email being sent.

Email Body

Auto Cancellation email content.

Cc Organiser

Option to send Auto Cancellation email to organiser.

Email Check-In

Use the Email Check-In section to enter the default text for successful and failed check-in responses.

No Show Policy for Recurring Bookings

The No Show Policy for Recurring Bookings section is used when no users check into a booking. The no show policy only applies when you are using an 'Exchange' or 'Office 365' server.



Policy Enabled

Select 'Yes' to enable the No Show Policy.

No Show #1 – Email body

The warning message that is sent to a user as part of the auto cancellation notification during the first no show of a recurring meeting.

No Show #2 – Email body

The warning message that is sent to a user as part of the auto cancellation notification during the second no show of a recurring meeting.

No Show #3 – Email body

The warning message that is sent to a user as part of the auto cancellation notification during the third no show of a recurring meeting. All occurrences in the recurring series will be deleted during this third no show.

Scheduler Task

This feature needs the RX Scheduler Task to be installed.

This is useful to run and synchronise profiles with the booking system.



Service Enabled

Select 'Yes' to enable the RX Scheduler task.

Check Display Profiles Every

The RX Scheduler task starts to check display profiles at fixed intervals. Enter the number of minutes required between the start of each run.

Perform Room Auto-Cancellation

Select 'Yes' to enable room auto-cancellation. Note that auto-cancellation for workspace resources is carried out always.

Notify Room Screen Connectivity Failure

Select 'Yes' to send notifications of room screen connectivity failure.

Notify Qubi Connectivity Failure

Select 'Yes' to send notifications of Qubi connectivity failure

Send Reminder 24 Hours Before Booking Starts

Enabling will send booking reminder emails 24 hours before the booking start time.

Email To

Enter email address(es) to send notifications to. Multiple email addresses may be used separated by commas.

Scheduler Service

Show the current state of the Scheduler Service.

Click Save.