[v1.2] All Bookings

[v1.2] All Bookings

This page has been depreciated as of version 1.3, check out the latest version here.

ResourceXpress captures full resource utilisation information for all reservations, whether created at the desktop or on-screen.

This process captures actual utilisation data based on:

  • The actual start (check-in).
  • The actual finish (check-out).
  • On-screen impromptu reservations, including user name if authentication is in use.
  • Reservation extensions.

To run an All Bookings report:

  1. Select Reporting Module in the header and choose All Bookings.
  2. Select the Start and End Date that you want to report on.
  3. In the Resource Name – Display field, select the resource that you want to report on.
  4. Select the Resource Time Zone that you want to report on. With Resource Name – Display set to '- ALL –' you can select a time zone to display just the resources in that time zone. If you select a specific room, then the time zone is automatically set.
    Filters are applied automatically as selections are made.
  5. Click Apply to refresh any search results:
  6. Sort the data by columns if required.
  7. Click Export to Excel to export the data displayed to Excel format for further analysis and charting.
  8. Clicking on the ID column displays the full details of the event, including the Booking ID from the host booking system and details of any authenticated on-screen actions such as Check-In, Check-Out and Extend:

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