RX Client API Service for Windows

RX Client API Service for Windows

This Windows Service will allow Kiosk, Room Screens or Maps to be displayed on any Windows device whilst utilizing the extra security available from the Screen Security feature.


Firstly, download the RX Client API Setup.zip file using this link (Download Link)

This file is also bundled as part of the RX Windows Client Kit.

This will need to be downloaded directly on the Windows Kiosk, Room Screen or Map device or will need to be copied over.


Once downloaded and copied to the device, extract the two files from the .zip.

The .zip will most likely be added to the downloads folder.


Select and Run the application RXClientAPIServiceSetup, when prompted select Yes to allow this app.

It is advised to keep the default information that is configured for Install location, Service name and Port number, however, this information can be modified if needed.

Select the tick box Start service automatically.

Select Next.

After confirming the details are correct select Finish.

The service will install if the installation is successful select Close.

If the installation is unsuccessful please contact us at helpdesk@qedas.com.

You can check the service is running from the Windows Services application, as shown below.
If you chose not to start the service automatically you can manually start it from here.

To confirm the service is working as it should navigate to localhost:8080/v1/info in a browser.
You will expect to see something similar to below with the correct IP and MAC address for your device.

The service is now installed and running, please follow steps found in Screen Security to correctly link a ResourceXpress profile with your device.

If you had any issues during this process please contact our support helpdesk at helpdesk@qedas.com.

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