Import & Export Profiles

The import & export profiles feature was added in v2021.7

Import/Export does not currently support all profile setting values.
Check the Known limitations section at the bottom of this document.

Importing Profiles

Importing profiles will allow multiple profiles to be added to ResourceXpress quickly, this is done using a CSV file.

A sample file can be downloaded from the Import screen.

To import profiles navigate to the Resource List screen, this can be found under the header Administration Settings → Resource List, then choose +Import.

Click on Sample File to download a sample CSV file to edit and upload.

The CSV file can be modified using Excel, fill in the information under the appropriate columns then save the file, keeping the CSV format.

After updating the spreadsheet, return to ResourceXpress, click on Choose File and select the updated CSV file, click Preview to check the data is correct.

Click Upload to add the new profiles.

Exporting Profiles

Selecting the Export button will download a CSV file of all existing profiles, this CSV file will be similar to the Sample file as detailed above but with your existing profile data.

Updating Profiles

Profiles can also be updated using the Export & Import method.

Create an export using the steps above, you can then modify any values you require using Excel.
Save the file as a CSV and use the Import feature, as detailed above, to update your profiles.

Available Import Options

Column Name

Expected value type

Column Name

Expected value type

Resource Name

Free text

Resource Name - Display

Free text

Resource Email

Text - SMTP address for Exchange, Office 365, Google intergrated profiles.

License Type

Exact text:

  • Room Screen

  • Workspace

  • Huddlespace

  • Non-Bookable Workspace

Space Type

Exact text:

  • Room

  • Desk

  • Parking

  • Assigned Space

  • Any custom Space type name


Exact text:

  • Yes

  • No

Location ID

Single numerical value

Enable Ring Fence

Exact text - Yes, No


Single numerical value

Equipment ID's

Comma Seperated numerical values

Default ID values:

  • Computer (1)

  • Phone (3)

  • Projuector (2)

  • Smartboard (4)

  • TV (5)

  • VC (6)

Show Info Icon

Exact text:

  • Yes

  • No

Search Tags

Free text - Comma seperated values

Resource Description

Free text

Show Booked by

Exact text:

  • Yes

  • No

Show Session Status ++

Exact text:

  • Use Location/System Settings

  • Yes

  • No

Hide Attendees for Private Session

Exact text:

  • Use Location/System Settings

  • Yes

  • No

Booking System

Exact Text - Local, Exchange/Office 365, Google, Asure, EMS, NFS

Interactive ++

Exact text:

  • Yes

  • No

Maximum Duration of Individual Booking ++

Single numerical value (in minutes), '0' = unlimited

Display Book Button

Exact text:

  • Use Location/System Settings

  • Yes

  • No

Book Authenticated ?

Exact text:

  • Use Location/System Settings

  • Yes

  • No

Display More Button

Exact text - Use Location/System Settings, Yes, No

Booking Title Mandatory ++

Exact text:

  • Use Location/System Settings

  • Yes

  • No

Not In Use Dates

Text - Date range in format dd/mm/yyy#dd/mm/yyy

Not In Use Days

Comma seperated day values - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Auto Cancellation

Exact text:

  • Use Location/System Settings

  • Yes

  • No

Display Check-In Button

Exact text:

  • Use Location/System Settings

  • Yes

  • No

Check In Action Using Mobile App

Exact text:

  • Use Location/System Settings

  • Yes

  • No

  • Validate using QR Code

Check-In Starts

Single numercial value (in minutes)

Check-In Ends

Single numercial value (in minutes)

Check-In Authenticated ?

Exact text

  • Yes - by Organiser only

  • Yes - by Organiser and Attendees only

  • Yes - by any Authenticated user

  • No

  • Use Location/System Settings

No Show Policy Enabled

Exact text:

  • Use Location/System Settings

  • Yes

  • No

Display Extend Button

Exact text:

  • Use Location/System Settings

  • Yes

  • No

Extend Button Appears

Single numercial value (in minutes)

Extend Authenticated ?

Exact text

  • Yes - by Organiser only

  • Yes - by Organiser and Attendees only

  • Yes - by any Authenticated user

  • No

  • Use Location/System Settings

Display Check-Out Button

Exact text:

  • Use Location/System Settings

  • Yes

  • No

Check-Out Authenticated ?

Exact text

  • Yes - by Organiser only

  • Yes - by Organiser and Attendees only

  • Yes - by any Authenticated user

  • No

  • Use Location/System Settings

Known limitations

The following settings are not available via import:

  • Ring Fenced Spaces

  • Resource Interior Image

  • Equipment Problem Authenticated

  • Screen Background Image

  • Graphical Timebar

  • Timebar Start Hour

  • Stylesheet

  • Advanced Display

  • Content Type

  • Content URL

  • Local Credentials (all options)

  • Mandatory Space Usage Acceptance

  • Instant Checkout

  • On-Demand Map

  • On-Demand Kiosk

  • Record Attendance

  • Room Screen Security (Tab)

  • Language Config (Tab)

  • Qubi Settings (Tab)

The following macros are not currently supported in the footer:
  • style