2022.5 - November 2022
Here you will find a list of all the Features, Improvements and Bug fixes added to this version of ResourceXpress SaaS.
New Features
Reference | Section | Details |
RCA-2911 | Kiosk, Aura-X | MAC Address security has been added for Kiosk when using the 10” or 22” Aura-X devices. |
RCA-2917 | Kiosk, Aura-X | Watchdog recovery support has been added for Kiosk when using the 10” or 22” Aura-X devices. |
Reference | Section | Details |
RCA-2693 | Admin | The connection properties tab is no longer shown for Non-Bookable Resource Profiles. |
RCA-2641 | Admin | Users can view their last logged in date and time in the My Settings view. |
RCA-2629 | Admin, Maps | A new button is available to view a Map in Admin mode directly from the Resource Objects List. |
RCA-2830 | API, Mobile App | Departments and Teams are available in the GetSettings API. |
RCA-2812 | API, Outlook Addin | The mailbox email address for Exchange/Office365 resources is now available in the API response. |
RCA-2784 | Admin, Reports | Usability Improvements have been made to the Audit Log. |
RCA-2876 | Booking Systems | When a profile is using the OfficeSpace Integration the following configuration options are disabled as they are not applicable. |
RCA-2856 | Kiosk | When allow_future is disabled in the Kiosk stylesheet, the Date button and the Date picker in Filters menu are hidden. |
RCA-2961 | Kiosk | |
RCA-2890 | Kiosk | The logged in user details have been moved to the top right in Kiosk and Maps. |
RCA-2890 | Maps | |
RCA-2851 | Maps | When viewing a future day in maps, the resource status will show as busy for All-day/Working day bookings |
RCA-2889 | Maps | The show/hide label icon in Maps has been updated to be more clear. |
RCA-2905 | Maps | The booking information shown for Assigned Spaces has been updated to only included relevant details. |
RCA-2904 | Maps | |
RCA-2849 | Maps | The resource status shown in the right-panel will update to match the Timeslider range. |
RCA-2938 | Maps | Max Occupancy and Status can now be displayed in the map marker label. |
RCA-2906 | Maps | By default the “All Day” timeslider option has been hidden. |
RCA-2939 | Qubi | The latest Qubi firmware v1.50.1t is included in the qubi firmware folder. |
RCA-2794 | Reports | Exported reports will now clip longer strings of text within the cell instead of resizing cells to fit. |
RCA-722 | Security | Security improvements have been made to the handling and storing of sensitive data. |
RCA-2984 | Maps | Maps V3 Stylesheet - New master stylesheet for Maps displays now available with new markers, timeslider and occupancy info enabled. |
Bug fixes
Reference | Section | Details |
RCA-2848 | API | Fixes an issue where End of Day bookings made before the AM start would not start from the current time. |
RCA-2987 | Aura-X | Fixes an issue where bookings details would not load in Maps when Room Screen Security was enabled |
RCA-2988 | Aura-X | Fixes an issue where OnDemand Kiosk/Maps would not work when Room Screen Security was enabled. |
RCA-2989 | Aura-X | Fixes an issue where an unauthorized message would show when Room Screen Security was enabled. |
RCA-2877 | Booking Manager | Fixes an issue where PM recurring bookings would not be created correctly when made from the Booking Manager. |
RCA-2855 | Fixes an issue where multiple check-in reminder emails were being sent within 1 minute. | |
RCA-2937 | Kiosk | Fixes an issue where users were unable to cancel their own bookings. |
RCA-2980 | Kiosk | Fixes an issue where the Maps button would not work from the search results list. |
RCA-2710 | Mobile App API | Fixes an issue where Assigned Spaces would not be shown in the My Events view. |
RCA-2837 | Push Service | Fixes an issue where the Push Service would not run if the last updated time was too far in the past. |
RCA-2985 | Qubi | Fixes an issue where “End of working day” booking was created with incorrect duration from Qubi |
Known Issues
Reference | Section | Details |
RCA-3000 | Exchange | Bookings are not synced when the Push Service is stopped or not installed. A temporary workaround is to install or start the Push Service. |
RCA-3016 | Admin | Creating or updating a resource profiles connections settings causes an error to be thrown due to the new data encryption mechanism. |
RCA-2750 | Zoom | The Check-In action from ResourceXpress is not correctly updated in Zoom when connecting to Exchange via GraphAPI. This issue could cause bookings to be auto-cancelled by Zoom even after check-in from ResourceXpress. To avoid this issue the Zoom meeting must be started within the Check-In period specified in Zoom. |
IE & Maps | There are a few known compatibility issues with Maps working with IE and the Windows-based RX Client Application. If you are using Kiosk and Maps on a Windows based Kiosk please contact helpdesk@qedas.com before upgrading to this version. |
Additional bug fix added to this version, see v2022.5 HF 1.
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