Auto Zoom on Load
Automatically set the Maps zoom level to fit the map to size of the screen.
Introduced in v2022.5 - November 2022
Some experience with JSON is recommended but not required.
If you require any assistance please contact our support team at
When the Map loads it will default to the zoom level of 0.
For large maps, this means that the whole map isn’t always viewable after loading.
Using the Auto Zoom feature the map will be automatically resized to fit the available window.
How to configure
The AutoZoom value can be configured via the Stylesheet.
Navigate to the Stylesheets page, found under the Administration Settings menu.
Find the correct Stylesheet from the list and click the Edit icon ().
You will see the Stylesheet editor, it should look similar to the above.
You must modify the JSON data found above the line /** LINE REQUIRED - CSS BELOW **/
Here is an example of a customised Stylesheet.
In the JSON section of the stylesheet, you will need to add an object with the key "autoZoom"
This object will accept 2 values, each value expects a boolean (true/false).
Default is used for larger screens such as a browser or Kiosk.
Mobile is used for smaller devices which run a Mobile OS, such as iOS or Android.
"autoZoom": {
"default": true,
"mobile": true
For assistance with this configuration please contact our support team at
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