What's Next for ResourceXpress!

What's Next for ResourceXpress!

Check in here to see what’s in the ResourceXpress development pipeline

Revised: 10th September 2024

ResourceXpress (Core Application)

ResourceXpress 2024.4 is due to be released in September 2024. A lot of the development has been focused on delivering the RX Mobile App push notifications. This will provide the option for customers to have booking process notifications and reminders pushed to their mobile devices. The ability to switch this feature on/off will be at a global administration level and the user can also choose to switch this feature on or off.

In addition to the above, more improvements to the MS Azure AD Synchronization process has been developed. Automatic welcome emails will now be able to be sent to new users when the AD synchronization process takes place. This will save administrators having to do this process manually.

*See end of this article for a full list of features being developed in 2024.4.


RX Mobile App

The ResourceXpress Mobile App continues to evolve and mature. Our long-term aim is for a major change to the user experience. We will align it with our strategy of changing our application functionality from Resource to User centric. Putting the user at the centre of the app functionality will provide more control to not only find the right resources for work activities but it will also give them better information about the location of colleagues and their teams.

The latest version of RX Mobile (Ver 4.4.4) has now been released and includes filter enhancements to improve the resource search experience. A new option “SpaceType” has been added, set with space types. The field “Restrict To” now takes two values – “Setup In Progress” and “Clear Down In Progress”. For clarity the filter in Maps is now specific to Maps alone and renamed as “Maps Filter”. Other enhancements are building names centre aligned in the filter and “Others”– units have been added for time fields. The label has been added to “Start Time”. Many other bugs have been fixed and a few issues fixed on the Home, Find, My Events & Filters screens too.

The next version of RX Mobile App (Due later in 2024) will include various push notifications for check in reminders, 24 hour booking reminders and auto cancellation notifications.


RX Outlook Office App

This development is currently in progress and is due to launch in Q3-2024. Much of the interface with the core ResourceXpress application has already been completed. The first release will give users the ability to search and book Exchange integrated resources from their familiar MS Outlook desktop side bar. Again, our strategy of providing a more user-centric experience will give the ability to view the location of colleagues, teams and select the most appropriate spaces for work tasks. This first release will give users the ability to update their workplace schedule and view their teams workplaces as well. Also, users can update their photo and other basic info. With the modern hybrid working culture this is vital to ensure effective collaboration and productive outcomes. Later versions of the RX Outlook Office App will expand this functionality to include more sophisticated Team management with the ability to match project group members with the most appropriate resources for improved collaborative working.


Longer Term Development

As we’ve previously indicated, our longer-term strategy is to move from being resource centric to user centric. The aim of this is to align our applications with the ever-changing modern workplace environment where users need to know where their teams and colleagues are and how to match appropriate resources to them for a more productive workplace. We are also making sure our look and feel across all our applications is consistent for an equitable user experience.

We are currently scoping out a structural change to the core ResourceXpress application with the aim of improving back-end performance, making it more efficient and resilient. This will be a major revision to ResourceXpress and is anticipated to be released in 2025. The current structure of the application was designed as a true SaaS application over 5 years ago but as modern technology changes it is vital that ResourceXpress makes the most of what can be achieved. From the customers perspective they can expect a leaner, more efficient application with improved performance and a friendlier user experience. 


Have We Missed Anything?

We’d love to hear your feedback and we really value customers opinion. What would you want to see in future releases of ResourceXpress?  Send your feedback to: helpdesk@qedas.com


*New Feature - Adding phase1 support for TD-0360.  Admin UI improvements to be added in phase2.

RCA-3496 - [TD-03xx] API request to recur only after last request response.

RCA-3499 - [TD-03xx] Remove reload on reconnect.

RCA-3504 - [TD-03xx] Add server-side config file.

RCA-3509 - Add min reboot window value.

RCA-3510 - Add max reboot window value.

RCA-3511 - Add card swipe action value.

RCA-3514 - Option to enable on-screen log.

RCA-3515 - Theme option in config.

RCA-3505 - [Qubi3] Organiser value truncated incorrectly when 12-hour clock in use.

RCA-3516 - [TD-03xx] On-screen device log for error finding.

RCA-3517 - [TD-03xx] Randomly delayed reboot on failure.

RCA-3518 - [TD-03xx] Request timeout.


New Feature in Azure AD Sync

RCA 3488    [Admin] AzureAD Sync - Welcome email for new users 


Preparing RX for Mobile Push Notification Feature

RCA-3419 - [API]  Store user's RX mobile app, OS and mobile phone versions.

RCA-3506 - [API-Mobile Notifications] Store token against user for Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)

RCA-3507 - [API-Mobile Notifications] Logout and disabling tokens

RCA-3508 - [API-MobileNotifications] Overall tenant level flag to enable/disable notification

RCA-3520 - [MAPS] Date field to be included in pop-up if resource has "All Day" booking already

RCA-3526 - [API-MobileNotifications] Update Settings API Changes.

RCA-3525 - [MySettings] Mobile Notification Settings for Users
RCA-3512 - MobileNotificationsTask] API calls to be made to FCM to send mobile notifications

RCA-3552 - [API] Mobile Notifications Event Endpoint



RCA-3467 - [Qubi3] RS.aspx response for the Satisfaction Survey.

RCA-3470 - Change Error description for restricted user booking amount.

RCA-3503 - [API] Work Place Exception event Id's are missing in TeamWorkPlaces API response.

RCA 3544  [API] Workplace visibility and time format is always displaying as zero


Bug Fixes 

RCA-3444 - [MobileApp] Tenant web config parameter to enable mobile app notifications

RCA-3486 - [Kiosk] Assigned spaces are included in results for "free for duration" option.

RCA-3498 - [Email] Wrong time is getting displayed in the booking confirmation mail

RCA-3524 - [API] GetSettings - Duplicate Department and Teams in UI

RCA-3375 - [Maps] Export link in the map resource object screen throws an error.

RCA-3391 - [NFS] Hostname is not changing when the book in user's calendar is enabled in the system settings.

RCA 3513  [Qubi] Qubi is not showing the red fade before a booking is about to end

RCA 3550  [Reports] - Device Event log - Multiple new entries for an error occurred

RCA 3548 - [Maps] Displaying time slot not available error message when the duration is available


Fixes for Known Issues in V2023.3

RCA-3549 - [v2024.3-Bug] Unable to log in to Aura/Aura-X devices using Access Code

RCA 3551 - [Qsign] QSign screen is asking for credentials

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