QSign Profiles

QSign Profiles

QSign displays provide digital signage in receptions and other rooms within a building:

The QSign displays are configured creating a profile for each display:

  1. Select Administration Settings in the header.
  2. Select QSign Profiles:

    All profiles are listed here.
  3. Use the Search box to find a specific record to work with. Search by ID or Title.
  4. Use the navigation tools to find the QSign display profile that you want to work with:
  5. Use the icons in the Action column as required:


    Use to…

    Edit the display profile.

    Delete the display profile.

    Copy the display profile. This is a useful timesaver. Copy an existing profile and edit it to meet your requirements.

    Update the QSign display resources.

    Configure an additional language for QSign.

    Display an example of the selected QSign.

  6. Click + Create in the top right of the screen to create a new profile.

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