Qubi Tab

Qubi Tab

The Qubi tab is used to specify configuration details for Qubi devices:





Qubi 2

Auto Checkout Enabled

Select Yes to enable Auto Checkout.
This will check a resource user out automatically if no activity is detected for a set time.

Auto Checkout Trigger

This is the number of minutes of inactivity after which the auto-checkout process is triggered

Temp Checkout Duration

This is the number of minutes a resource can be inactive before the auto-checkout process is triggered.
Set this to 0 to disable this feature.

LED Brightness

This is the central control for the brightness of all the Qubis.
0 = Low, 9 = High (0 = low power sleep mode)

Device Audio

Select Yes to enable audio warnings from the Qubi.

Qubi Activity Log Type

Use the dropdown to select how much information is logged for the Qubi devices.
By default, this is set to None, options include:

  • None

  • Error & Startup Requests

  • Booking Actions, Errors & Startup Requests

  • All

Qubi 3

Enable Check Out Satisfaction Survey

In 2 line Huddlespace mode and during check-out this feature prompts users to rate their overall satisfaction with workpace etc from (1 - 5).

This feature requires Qubi 3 firmware v1.40.10 or above

Qubi Booking Override
v2022.2name updated

Setting this to No will restrict Qubi devices from being used to make local bookings. Default is Yes i.e. Qubi bookings enabled.

Check-in & Check-out will still be available as per the resource profile settings.

This option can be useful when the Qubi devices are used for Check-in/Check-out only.
The book option will still be available from other parts of the system, such as Room screens, Kiosk, Maps and Mobile.


This option works in conjunction with Enable Qubi Booking.
Setting to Yes will require authentication when creating bookings from a Qubi.

Force Firmware Update

Use this option to update the firmware on connected Qubi devices immediately. For Qubi 3C devices using Connect the firmware version pushed will depend on the Firmware settings below.

Enable Auto Firmware Update

If enabled Auto firmware update is triggered at 0200 local time and if Qubi current version is different to the specified version on the server will update and reboot Qubi.

Select No to turn off the auto firmware update feature.
Select Yes to enable this to run at 0200 next morning (local time). WE recommend turning this off after all Qubi’s have been successfully updated.

Qubi3C - Qubi3 Connect Model v2023.2

Upload UAT Firmware Files

Updated firmware file packages are available from QED and will consist of a zip file called qubi3.zip.

To upload as a UAT version use Choose File then Upload options to add new files to the server.

UAT Firmware Version

Displays the current version of UAT firmware currently available on the server.

Live Firmware Version

Displays the current version of the Live firmware currently available on the server.

Copy UAT Firmware to Live

Once a UAT version has been validated in operation this button sets the current UAT Firmware to now become the Live version.
All connected Qubi devices will then be upgraded to the Live version during the Auto Firmware Update at 0200.

Use UAT Firmware

Use this option to force Qubi devices to download the UAT Firmware version. This setting also applies to the Auto Firmware Update at 0200.

Philips Hue Integration Settings

Free State,
Busy State,
Amber State,
Ending State

Adjust the colour of various states listed

For details of the syntax used in the Philips Hue Integration Settings please refer to: http://developers.meethue.com/gettingstarted.html

API User

Enter a valid user name as set up to access the Hue Bridge in the Philips Hue settings.


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