Create and Edit QSign Display Profiles
QSign displays provide digital signage in receptions and other rooms within a building.
When creating or editing QSign display profiles:
- Open the QSign Profiles screen:
- Click either:
- + Create in the top right of the screen to create a new profile.
The Add/Edit QSign Profile form is displayed: in the profile that you want to edit.
- + Create in the top right of the screen to create a new profile.
Complete the fields shown:
Enter a title for the QSign display.
Show Title
Specify whether you want to show the respective items on the display.
Show Date
Show Clock
Time Zone
Specify the time zone for the QSign display.
The Time Zone field will default to the ResourceXpress Server time zone. Ideally, this field should be set to the same value as set in the resource booking system. Time Zone is currently only supported in the Exchange and Office365 environments.
Header Content
Enter HTML referencing a resource such as an image (as in the example above), or plain text.
Sort By
Select 'Resource Alias' or' Time' as a sort sequence for the display.
Sessions Per Page
Enter the number of sessions to be shown on one page.
Show Private Sessions
Specify whether you want to show sessions marked as private or confidential.
Show SmartBookingTM Sessions
Specify whether you want to show sessions which have been Smartbooked.
Show Session Ending Column
Specify whether you want to show the end time for the sessions.
Enable Messaging
Specify whether you want to show the message ticker.
Screen Refresh Internal
Select a refresh interval in seconds.
Select a stylesheet to be used for the display.
Display Upcoming Bookings
Choose to display the next immediate bookings.
Show Free Rooms
Select 'Yes' is you want to display free rooms as available.
Scheduled Flip
This enables the screen to automatically move through pages of information. This is useful when QSign is used in a non touch screen.
Scheduled Flip Interval
The number of seconds delay between pages being moved through automatically.
An example of how your selections are displayed is shown below:
- Click either:
- Save. The new profile is displayed.
or - Save & Map Resources to add a resource to the QSign.
- Save. The new profile is displayed.
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