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July 2024


[RMA-212] - Filter - Space Type has been added to the filter options.


[RMA-155] - Maps - Improvements have been made to the Building names as centre aligned while using the filter.

[RMA-212] - Filter - Improvements have been made by limiting the "Restrict To" field to show "Setup In Progress” and “Clear Down In Progress".

[RMA-220] - Filter - Improvements have been made by adding the label for Start Time in "Others" category.


[RMA-192] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the function of the back button is not working properly.

[RMA-197] - Filter - Fixes an issue where applying the filter options with the default location does not work as expected.

[RMA-199] - Filter - Fixes an issue where the "Time" and "Restrict to" are not working properly.

[RMA-201] - Maps - Fixes an issue where resources show incorrect colour when it has a Working Day booking already.

[RMA-204] - Maps- Fixes an issue where the time slider doesn't retain the user-selected value, if user clicks on the Cancel button in the booking popup.

[RMA-213] - Filter - Fixes an issue where the equipment filter does not work properly.

[RMA-218] - Find - Fixes an issue where the resource image does not load while reporting the equipment in the info section.

[RMA-219] - Info - Fixes an issue where the icons for “Huddle Space” license types are not visible in the info section.

[RMA-221] - Filter - Fixes an issue where the "Free for duration" filter is missing time units.

[RMA-222] - Filter - Fixes an issue where the app does not retain time applied in the filter if the user navigates between main menu and filter.

[RMA-223] - Find - Fixes an issue where there is no results displayed when the user clicks Go/Enter button.

[RMA-224] - Home screen - Fixes an issue where the events displays with same name for all individuals.

[RMA-225] -  Login - Fixes an issue where the loader keeps rotating after logging through SSO.


  • [RMA-211] If a resource is added to more than one Map profile this can break the Map button on booked events in the Find and My Events screens which then show a blank map. This will be fixed in a future version.

  • [RMA-210] Landscape mode for Maps now works when mobile is rotated but there are some issues viewing book options without scrolling. This will be fixed in a future version.


April 2024


  • [RMA-62] - My Events - Improvements have been made to the My Events with filter bar.

  • [RMA-60] - Maps - Improvements have been made to the “Book” & “Info” buttons for quick accessibility.

  • [RMA-66] [RMA-166]- Filter - Improvements have been made by highlighting the filter icon with a notification dot when the local filter has been applied.

  • [RMA-104] - Booking - Improvements have been made to the bookings by showing the “Session in progress” label when the session starts.

  • [RMA-109] - Maps- Improvements have been made to the time slider for future days.

  • [RMA-116] - Booking - Improvements have been made to disable the “Book” button for view-only locations.

  • [RMA-161] [RMA-162] - Booking - Improvements have been made to show the options for cancelling recurring bookings.

  • [RMA-124] - Maps - Improvements have been made by implementing the new config values for Maps stored in the Stylesheet.

  • [RMA-167] - Search - Improvements have been made by changing the Search placeholder text to become more visible for users.

  • [RMA-110] - Maps - Improvements have been made to show the local time as per the Map location.

  • [RMA-64] - NFC/QR - Improvements have been made to auto check-in after scanning the QR code or NFC tag for pre-booked resources.

  • [RMA-58] - Maps - Improvements have been made to center align the building name.

  • [RMA-149] - Mainscreen - Improvements have been made to the date formats.


  • [RMA-34] - Settings - Fixes an issue where the update settings don’t reflect on the User’s profile page.

  • [RMA-157] - Find - Fixes an issue where the filter values aren’t retained after refresh.

  • [RMA-168] - Home screen - Fixes an issue where the label for number of events changed to “Event(s) Today”.

  • [RMA-169] - Home screen - Fixes an issue where the number of events showing incorrect information after installation.

  • [RMA-170] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the default maplink icon is not visible.

  • [RMA-159] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the time slider does not work based on location settings.

  • [RMA-165] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the filter is applied with the date.

  • [RMA-171] - NFC - Fixes an issue where the NFC feature is not working on versions above 10 and 11 in Android.

  • [RMA-172] - Booking - Fixes an issue where the future-dated booking shows a "Session in progress" label.

  • [RMA-173] - My Events - Fixes an issue where the My Events page doesn’t retain the selected option.

  • [RMA-175] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the labels are not visible in Today & Advanced tabs.

  • [RMA-25] - Language - Fixes an issue where the translation for the Polish language is not working correctly.

  • [RMA-102] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the time slider knob is not fully visible.

  • [RMA-178] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the resources icon colour is incorrect during check-in.

  • [RMA-181] - Maps - Fixes an issue where if the selected Maps future day number is less than the current day, displays the current day’s booking.

  • [RMA-187] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the “Restore” filter doesn’t return to the default Map.

  • [RMA-182] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the Maps shows an incorrect date when using the Filter date option.

  • [RMA-183] - Find - Fixes an issue where the application doesn't load/show all the records when scrolling down.

  • [RMA-179] - Language - Fixes an issue where the Polish calendar's translation is incorrect.

  • [RMA-186] - Booking - Fixes an issue where the application crashes when the Map time is more/less than mobile time.

  • [RMA-207] - Homescreen - Fixes an issue where My Events doesn’t show bookings other than the default location.

  • [RMA-191] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the Map is not loading properly when the stylesheet is invalid or has incorrect data.

  • [RMA-184] - Booking - Fixes an issue where the extend and same-day bookings are not working if server and resource time zones differ.

  • [RMA-160] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the resources using the old marker style show a black circle when clicked.

  • [RMA-53] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the Working Day option for future booking has different start/end times depending on the tab used.

  • [RMA-208] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the time slider doesn’t show the End of Day option.


  • [RMA-211] If a resource is added to more than one Map profile this can break the Map button on booked events in the Find and My Events screens which then show a blank map. This will be fixed in a future version.

  • [RMA-210] Landscape mode for Maps now works when mobile is rotated but there are some issues viewing book options without scrolling. This will be fixed in a future version. 


November 2023


  • [RMA-148] - Maps - Country-level maps are now available to access through the mobile app.


  • [RMA-151] - Home screen - Improvements have been made to the Current Event on the home page with a new UI to display assigned spaces, check-in/out button, and display the number of events.

  • [RMA-145] - Booking - Improvements have been made to the Custom tab by adding a date selector.

  • [RMA-144] - Booking - Labels have been renamed to "Today" & "Advanced" in the booking pop-up.

  • [RMA-141] - Booking - Improvements have been made to the date format - Example: "Mon 8th Nov 2023”.

  • [RMA-121] - Icons - Improvements have been made with the new icon for "Scan"

  • [RMA-38] - Headings - Improvements have been made to the headings format in Maps.

  • [RMA-65] - Settings - Improvements have been made to the User settings to Show/Hide labels in maps

  • [RMA-75] - Maps - Improvements have been made to show the Occupancy Info based on the stylesheet settings.

  • [RMA-103] - Maps - Improvements have been made to update the clock while navigating between levels, menus, and changing resources (i.e. any calls to the RX Server).

  • [RMA-122] - Home screen - Improvements have been made to the unified font styles and colours on the home screen.

  • [RMA-146] - Booking - Improvements have been made to show the next available time in the Advanced tab.

  • [RMA-147] - Dark Mode - Improvements have been with the readability of all screens in dark mode.


  • [RMA-150] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the parking icon and initials are not displayed in dark mode.

  • [RMA-142] - Booking - This fixes an issue where the Later tab is hidden if the resource has a current booking.

  • [RMA-133] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the initials of the booked person not showing.

  • [RMA-132] - Booking - Fixes an issue where the booking options in the Advanced tab are shown twice during Cleardown in progress.

  • [RMA-129] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the initials of an organiser are not shown if the session is extended

  • [RMA-55] - Booking - Fixes an issue where multiple bookings are created for recurring bookings using the end-of-the-day option.

  • [RMA-53] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the wrong time is shown in the Today and Advanced tabs for Working Day bookings.

  • [RMA-18] - My Events - Fixes an issue where the cancel button is not displayed in find/today’s events/today’s events by resource

  • [RMA-20] - Free Rooms - Fixes an issue where under certain conditions Free Rooms returns no results.

  • [RMA-70] - Filter - Fixes an issue with the default values retained in the Maps filter.

  • [RMA-92] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the clock did not refresh when navigating between levels.

  • [RMA-118] - SVG Image - This fixes an issue where the SVG images use the width and height values provided in the API response.

  • [RMA-134] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the 'Days' booking using a time slider for future Days shows different status colors in the maps pin and card.

  • [RMA-135] - My Events - This fixes an issue with the cancel booking not refreshing the bookings in My Events.

  • [RMA-153] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the resources with old markers icons show a white color in Maps if Not in Use Days/Dates set to Yes.

  • [RMA-154] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the Assigned space types show incorrect icon color in My Events if Use Days/Dates is set to YES.


  • [Login] - Users need to re-login to the mobile application after the upgrade in case they don’t see their bookings in My Events.


July 2023


  • [RMA-22] - Maps - The Timeslider functionality has been implemented in the mobile app.


  • [RMA-42] - Filter - The reset filters prompt has been rewritten to be more clear.

  • [RMA-67] - Filter - The "Apply" and "Reset" buttons in the filter menu have been updated.

  • [RMA-90] - Calendar - Selecting the calendar has been made easier.

  • [RMA-86] - Date selector colours have been modified to be more clear on Android. 

  • [RMA-93] - Maps - UI updates for non-interactive text elements.

  • [RMA-111] - Maps - Cleardown and setup times are now used to determine a workspace's availability.

  • [RMA-125] - Maps - Cleardown info is no longer shown if the feature is not enabled.


  • [RMA-107] - Filter, Maps - Fixes an issue where the toggle labels option in the Map would not work when a filter is applied.

  • [RMA-108] - Filter - Fixes an issue where some filter options would not correctly show as selected.

  • [RMA-115] - All Events - Fixes an issue where Checkout and Extend actions could show for future bookings.

  • [RMA-117] - Maps - Fixes an issue where Non-Interactive Profiles are Bookable from Maps.

  • [RMA-9] - Maps - Fixes an issue where All day bookings would show as green on the map.

  • [RMA-13] - My Events - Fixes an issue where the duration selection would be shown twice.

  • [RMA-57] - Booking - Fixes an issue where the Later/More button would be available even when disabled for the resource.

  • [RMA-77] - Maps - Fixes an issue where some resources were not visible on the map.

  • [RMA-79] - Find a colleague - Fixes an issue where the Find a colleague menu option is hidden on the home screen.

  • [RMA-80] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the level icon would not be visible by default.

  • [RMA-83] - Filter - Fixes an issue where the default map would not load after applying filters.

  • [RMA-84] - Authentication - Fixes an issue where email addresses with a hyphen would not be seen as valid.

  • [RMA-87] - My Events - Fixes an issue where My Events view would not update when the menu was opened.

  • [RMA-98] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the past could be selected using the Timeslider.

  • [RMA-99] - iOS - Fixes an issue where the keyboard would not show when selecting the password field for iOS Versions 13 - 16.3

  • [RMA-100] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the Resource status colours would not match.

  • [RMA-119] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the hide label function would not work correctly after creating a booking.

  • [RMA-126] - Filter - Fixes an issue where the tags list would not be displayed in the filters menu.

  • [RMA-130] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the Map pin status colour would not correctly reflect the resource status after refresh.

  • [RMA-131] - Booking - Fixes an issue where the resource time zone information was missing when creating a new booking.

  • [RMA-138] - Android - Fixes an issue where dropdown menus would not be shown when creating a new booking.

  • [RMA-139] - Maps - Fixes an issue where current meetings would not be shown when a resource was selected.

  • [RMA-142] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the Later tab was hidden if the resource had a current booking.

  • [RMA-54] - Maps - Fixes an issue where recurring bookings could cause a booking overlap.


  • [RMA-141] - Maps - US date format is used in the Later Booking tab for the recurring booking option.


January 2023


  • [RMA-78] - Fixes an issue where the ‘Find a Colleague’ menu on the Home screen is hidden in v4.


December 2022


  • [RMA-76] - Maps - Fixes an issue where the stylesheet was not loaded due to SSL certificate issues.

  • [RMA-77] - Maps - Fixes a backward compatibility issue where resource markers would disappear until a re-install of the app


October 2022


  • [RMA-51] - Maps - Fixes an issue where map objects would not load if no resource markers were configured.

  • [RMA-52] - NFC - Fixes an issue where an error would be thrown when scanning NFC tags with iOS devices.


  • [RMA-53] - Maps - Recurring future bookings use the wrong Working Day times.

  • [RMA-54] - Maps - Using the “End of Day” booking option can cause overlapping bookings.

  • [RMA-55] - Maps - Using the “End of Day” booking option can result in a 1-minute booking.


October 2022


  • [RMA-45] The show/hide label button now toggles when tapped.


  • [RMA-41] - Maps - This fixes an issue where removing the hide tooltip attribute in the Stylesheet could cause UI issues.

  • [RMA-46] - Maps - This fixes an issue where the marker labels would show by zooming in/out even after setting the labels to be hidden.

  • [RMA-47] Maps - This fixes an issue where the show/hide labels button was not being shown for maps with parking spaces only.


October 2022


  • Find a Colleague is now available.

  • Support for Maplinks, New marker icons, Hotspot, URL and Multi-level maps.

  • Support for reading NFC tags in addition to the existing QR Code.


  • Support future bookings in Maps

  • [RMA-21] - Update “Find a colleague” to “Find a Colleague”.


  • [RMA-2] - Fixes an issue where the Biometric authentication option doesn’t show.

  • [RMA-5] - Fixes for some known issues found in the previous version.

  • [RMA-8] - This fixes an issue where the selected date would revert back to the current date.

  • [RMA-9] - This fixes an issue with the filters view in Maps.

  • [RMA-10] - Fixes an issue where labels were not shown for bookable resources in Maps.

  • [RMA-11] - Fixes an issue where the Later bookings times were not available in Maps.

  • [RMA-12] - Fixes issues found in the Find with the Check-In, and Check-Out buttons.

  • [RMA-13] - This fixes an issue when creating a booking double start-end time options could show. 

  • [RMA-14] - This fixes an issue where the incorrect bookings number would show in the Events today section.

  • [RMA-15] - Fixes an issue where dates were not shown for colleague events.

  • [RMA-16] - Fixes an issue where the Additional language for booking titles was not correctly shown.

  • [RMA-17] - Fixes an issue where the Checkout option was not working from My Events.

  • [RMA-19] - This fixes an issue where searching for a colleague would also display results for the active user.

  • [RMA-27] - Fixes an issue where “Free Rooms” was not working correctly.

  • [RMA-28] - Fixes an issue in Find a Colleague where the colleague's name would show twice.

  • [RMA-29] - Fixes an issue where available Space types did not match Server Settings.

  • [RMA-30] - Fixes an issue where My Events would not show Assigned Spaces.

  • [RMA-32] - This fixes an issue where the Map marker label would be positioned over the marker.

  • [RMA-33] - Fixes an issue where future bookings were not possible from Maps.

  • [RMA-37] - This fixes an issue where the Location label and level dropbox are blank

  • [RMA-39] - Fixed an issue where there was no Cancel button in My Events.

  • [RMA-40] - This fixes an issue where the Later book option is unavailable.


August 2022


  • Find a colleague (requires RX server v2022.4 and above).

  • Map Stylesheet custom configuration options are now applied.1

  • NFC Support


  • Updated the Parking icon from a P to the Car icon.


  • [RMAV-21] - This fixes an issue where Kiosk and Mobile app has different heading formats.

  • [RMAV-33] - This fixes an issue where users were unable to change the date.

  • [RMAV-34] - This fixes an issue where the map would not automatically update after removing filters.

  • [RMAV-37] - This fixes an issue where resetting the filters would not return to the default Map.

  • [RMAV-38] - This fixes an issue where the location filters would be unavailable after applying the country filter.

  • [RMAV-39] - This fixes an issue where equipment filters were not working for small pins.

  • [RMAV-40] - This fixes an issue where the “Today's Events” view would show the Check-out action but the “All Events” view would show the Check-in action.

  • [RMAV-41] - This fixes an issue where viewing future bookings a month in advance would show as green on the map.

  • [RMAV-44] - This fixes an issue where Equipment icons were not updated when reported as faulty.

  • [RMAV-46] - This fixes an issue where the book button would not be available when booking for a future day.

  • [RMAV-XX] - This fixes an issue where the marker would not be updated after creating a booking.

1 The following line is required in the Maps stylesheet to separate the JSON configuration and the CSS style rules.


  • No labels