v1.40.11f General Release
November 2021
new features
Not In Use Mode
If the workspace profile has Not In Use Days/Dates active then Qubi will display a Not In Use message, turn off the LEDs and also show a Next Available date.
Screen layout improvements have been made for the Unregistered Device message.
v1.40.11e General Release
May 2021
new features
Device mode 8.
If Cleardown is in use on the server - forces 2 line mode and displays ‘Cleardown In Progress’ and ‘Last/Occupied time/date’ messages with blue LEDsEnable/Disable Satisfaction Survey on Checkout for both 1 and 2-line modes.
During connection issues (WiFi or server) LED’s now turn off, instead of turning blue.
WiFi signal strength indicator is now hidden during WiFi outages.
The following macros are not currently supported in the footer:
- style