Available request parameters
Key | Type | Explanation | |||||||
| datetime string | The start of the search time range. | |||||||
| datetime string | The end of the search time range. | |||||||
| Boolean | By default auto-created bookings for Assigned Spaces are not included in the GetAllBookings response. To include these bookings as well you will need set | |||||||
| Integer | Limit the results to a single resource profile. Enter the ID number for the resource profile.
| |||||||
| String | Limit the results to a chosen Country. Enter the Country name as a string. | |||||||
| String | Limit the results to a chosen City. Enter the City name as a string. | |||||||
| String | Limit the results to a chosen Site. Enter the Site name as a string. | |||||||
| String | Limit the results to a chosen Building. Enter the Building name as a string. | |||||||
| String | Limit the results to a chosen Floor. Enter the Floor name as a string. | |||||||
| String | Limit the results to a chosen Zone. Enter the Zone name as a string. | |||||||
| String | Limit the results to a chosen Booking System.
| |||||||
| String | Limit the results to a chosen Space type. Enter the Space type name as a string. | |||||||
| String | Limit the results to a chosen time zone. To find the available options see the Resource Time Zone dropdown from the All Bookings report page in the admin dashboard. | |||||||
| Integer | Limit the results by truncating objects from off the top of the available results.
Useful when dealing with large datasets which can be slow to respond. | |||||||
| Integer | Limit the results by truncating objects from off the end of the available results.
Useful when dealing with large datasets which can be slow to respond. |
Example Response
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
{ "ErrCode": "0", "ErrDesc": "", "BookingList": [ { "BookingId": 00000112746, "ParentBookingIdMeetingId": null, "MeetingId": null, "StartTimePlannedResourceName": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "EndTimePlanned": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"Conference Room 1", "ResourceNameSpaceTypeName": "Conference Room", "BookingSystemName": "conferenceConference.Room.room1", "Subject": "Top Secret Military Contract", "Alldaybooking": null, "StartTime": "2022-0108-06T0925T13:00:00", "EndTime": "2022-0108-06T1125T15:00:00", "BookingStartTimeStartTimeOriginal": null, "StartTimeString": "06-01-2022 09"2022-08-25T13:00:00", "EndTimeStringEndTimeOriginal": "062022-0108-2022 1125T15:00:00", "AlertSubject": "Mil. Contract Review", "DescriptionIsPrivate": nullfalse, "ResourceIdIsConfirmed": 1, "MembersIsEnded": null2, "OtherMembersIsNoShow": nullfalse, "DurationIdIsInstant": nulltrue, "DurationMinutesIsAM": 0null, "ShowasIdIsPM": null, "ReminderIdIsEOD": null, "RepeatIdIsWorkingDay": null, "AttendeesOrganizer": "Bruce nullWayne", "BookingAttendeesOrganizerEmail": "Bruce Wayne<bruce.wayne@wayneenterprise.org>", "BookingAttendeesEmailListIsAllDay": ""false, "UnplannedBookingAttendeesBookingAttendees": "", "UnplannedBookingAttendeesEmailListBookingAttendeesEmailList": "", "ResourcelistUnplannedBookingAttendees": null"", "EquipmentUnplannedBookingAttendeesEmailList": null"", "AddressCountry": "United nullStates", "OccupancyCity": "10Gotham", "UserslistSite": null, "EditOcurrenceBuilding": null, "EditSeries": null"Wayne Enterprise", "RecurringbookingFloor": null, "Obsolete": null"37th Floor", "CheckedInByZone": null, "StartTimeOriginalCheckedInFrom": "2022-01-06T09:00:00Room Screen", "EndTimeOriginalCheckedOutFrom": "2022-01-06T11:00:00Room Screen", "StartTimeOriginalStringExtendedFrom": "06-01-2022 09:00:00", "EndTimeOriginalStringBookedFrom": "06-01-2022 11:00:00Room Screen", "IsConfirmedResourceId": 2, "IsEndedOccupancy": 0"12", "IsNoShowBookingSystem": false, "IsInstant": false"Local", "MaxOccupancyCheckedOutBy": null, "ActualOccupancy": null, "PlannedOccupancyExtendedBy": null, "PercentageOfActualOccupancy": null, "PercentageOfPlannedOccupancyAutoCancellation": nulltrue, "OrganizerOrganizersDepartments": "Bruce Wayne", "OrganizerEmailOrganizersTeams": "Bruce Wayne<bruce.wayne@wayneenterprise.com>", "OrganiserId": 0, "CountryCheckedOutByEmail": "United States", "CityCheckedInByEmail": "Gothambruce.wayne@wayneenterprise.org", "Site": null, "Building"ExtendedByEmail": "Wayne Enterprise", "FloorCheckedInBy": "40thBruce FloorWayne", "ZoneAssigned": "Management"false, "Location": "United States | Gotham | Wayne Enterprise | 40th7th Floor" | Management", } ] "TimeZoneId": null, "EventStatus": null, "WorkSpaceTypeId": 0, "ErrorClearedTime": null, "TotalDownTime": null, "Attendeeslist": null, "IsPrivate": null, "IsAllDay": false, "IsAM": null, "IsPM": null, "IsEOD": null, "IsWorkingDay": null, "IsStarted": false, "IsReadOnly": false, "HasPermission": false, "IsRecurringEnabled": false, "MultiDay": 0, "BookingEndTime": null, "CheckedInFrom": "Mobile", "CheckedOutFrom": "", "ExtendedFrom": "", "BookedFrom": "Room Screen", "StartTimeWithSetup": null, "EndTimeWithSetup": null, "StartTimeWithSetupString": null, "EndTimeWithSetupString": null, "StartTimePlannedString": null, "EndTimePlannedString": null, "SetupMinutes": 0, "CleardownMinutes": 0, "HasConflict": false, "BookingSystem": "Local", "CheckedOutBy": "", "ExtendedBy": "", "AutoCancellation": true } ], "CancelledBookingList": null }} |
Key | Type | Example | Explanation |
BookingId | Integer | 12746 | The unique ID number for each booking. |
MeetingId | Integer | "" | The unique ID for the booking. |
ResourceName | String | “Conference Room 1” | The name of the Resource for this booking. |
SpaceTypeName | String | “Room” | The space type that the resource is assigned. I.E. Room, Desk etc. |
BookingSystemName | String | “Conference.Room.1” | The booking system name for the booked resource. |
StartTime | Datetime | 2022-08-25 13:00:00 | The actual start time of the booking. |
EndTime | Datetime | 2022-08-25 15:00:00 | The actual end time of the booking. |
StartTimeOriginal | Datetime | 2022-08-25 13:00:00 | The originally booked start time of the booking. |
EndTimeOriginal | Datetime | 2022-08-25 15:00:00 | The originally booked end time of the booking. |
Subject | String | “Meeting Subject” | The subject of the booking. |
IsPrivate | Boolean | FALSE | Shows true is the booking is marked as Private. |
IsConfirmed | Integer | 1 | 0 = Not checked in. |
IsEnded | Integer | 2 | 0 = Booking has not ended. |
IsNoShow | Boolean | FALSE | TRUE = User did not check into book. |
IsInstant | Boolean | TRUE | TRUE = User created instant booking using quick options in RX. |
IsAM | Boolean | null | The booking is a morning booking. |
IsPM | Boolean | null | The booking is an afternoon booking. |
IsEOD | Boolean | null | The booking is an All Day booking. |
IsWorkingDay | Boolean | null | The booking is a Working Day booking. |
Organizer | String | “Bruce Wayne” | The name of the booking organizer. |
OrganizerEmail | String | “Bruce Wayne<bruce.wayne@wayneenterprise.org>” | The email address of the booking organizer. |
IsAllDay | Boolean | FALSE | The booking is an All Day booking. |
BookingAttendees | String | "" | A comma separated list of names for users who attended the booking. |
BookingAttendeesEmailList | String | "" | A comma separated list of email addresses for users who attended the booking. |
UnplannedBookingAttendees | String | "" | A comma separated list of names for unplanned users who attended the booking. |
UnplannedBookingAttendeesEmailList | String | "" | A comma separated list of email addresses for unplanned users who attended the booking. |
Country | String | “United States” | The country where the resource is located. |
City | String | “Gotham” | The city where the resource is located. |
Site | String | null | The Site where the resource is located. |
Building | String | “Wayne Enterprise” | The Building where the resource is located. |
Floor | String | “37th Floor” | The Floor where the resource is located. |
Zone | String | null | The Zone where the resource is located. |
CheckedInFrom | String | “Room Screen” | Shows which device type was used to perform this action.
CheckedOutFrom | String | “Room Screen” | |
ExtendedFrom | String | "" | |
BookedFrom | String | “Room Screen” | |
ResourceId | Integer | 2 | The ID number for the booked Resource. |
Occupancy | String | 12 | The configured max occupancy for the booked resource. |
BookingSystem | String | “Local” | Shows the type of connected booking system.
CheckedOutBy | String | "" | The name of the user who performed the Check out action for this booking. |
ExtendedBy | String | ““ | The name of the user who performed the Extend action for this booking. |
AutoCancellation | Boolean | TRUE | Shows if the Auto-Cancellation option is enabled/disabled for this Resource. |
OrganizersDepartments | String | "" | Comma separated list of Departments which the organizer of this booking is a member. |
OrganizersTeams | String | "" | Comma separated list of Teams which the organizer of this booking is a member. |
CheckedOutByEmail | String | "" | Email address of the user who performed the Check out action for this booking. |
CheckedInByEmail | String | “bruce.wayne@wayneenterprise.org” | Email address of the user who performed the Check in action for this booking. |
ExtendedByEmail | String | "" | Email address of the user who performed an Extend action for this booking. |
CheckedInBy | String | “Bruce Wayne” | The name of the user who performed the Check in action for this booking. |
Assigned | Boolean | FALSE | TRUE = This resource is an Assigned Space |
Location | String | “United States | Gotham | Wayne Enterprise | 7th Floor” | A single string with the full location of the booked resource. |