Get Work Places list
Request for a list of available Work Places.
This can be filtered based on a user or a location specifically.
This will require a Admin Console update.
Documenation for this change coming soon.
There are 3 optional request parameters.
- used to identify the user the Working Locations are relevant for. This will be based on their Default Location.EmailAddress
- Similar to theUserId
, this identifies users and returns values based on their location.LocationId
- This returns Work Places that are available for a specific Location.
If no value is passed then results will reflect “System Settings” Work Places
"UserId": int,
"EmailAddress": "string",
"LocationId": int
The response will be an array of admin-configured Work Places.
These will be created in System Settings or a specific Location.
Required values include.
Field name | Data type | Explanation |
Id required | Integer | Unique ID for the Work Place. |
Name required | String | A custom text name for the Work Place, such as Office or Remote. |
IconPath required | URL | A URL to an uploaded icon image to help depict this Work Place, such as an image of an office or a house. |
LocationId | Integer | If the Work Place is specific/unique to a country or individual office this will indicate which Location ID it is unique assigned. If the response value is NULL then this is a System Setting’s Work Place and valid for all locations. |
"WorkPlaces" Array[
"Id" int,
"Name": "string",
"IconPath": "string",
"LocationId": null/int