User Management / User Settings
An update needs to be made to the current User Settings found under User Management or My Settings.
This is to include the new values that are required for the Outlook App.
Required new settings
First Day of the Week - a dropdown selector to allow the user to choose which day is their first day of the week.
Working Day - a list of all 7 days with a checkbox for each.
App Date Format - a date format option which is specific to the Outlook App.
This is different from the current date format option which is applied to the tables in the Admin UI.
Should allow for longer date formats, user should be able to type their own, default options include:dddd Do MMMM YYYY - Monday 14th January 2024
dddd, D MMMM YYYY - Monday, 14 January 2024
MMMM, dddd D, YYYY - January, Monday 14, 2024
D, MMMM, YYYY - 14, January, 2024
MMMM, D, YYYY - January, 14, 2024
DD/MM/YYYY - 14/01/2024
MM/DD/YYYY - 01/14/2024
24-Hour Time Format - a check box to use a 24-hour time format instead of a 12-hour format.
Work Location Visibility - a dropdown to choose which level of visibility the user wants for their Work Location visibility. Options include Organisation, Department, Team, and Only Me.
Mock-up of Admin UI