Google Workspace

Google Workspace

Configure ResourceXpress to work with Google G Suite.

Table of Contents


In order to connect your Google G Suite to ResourceXpress, the following will be required:

  • A Google G Suite Account with administrator privileges

  • Access to the Google Developer Console

  • Access to the Google Admin Control Panel

G Suite Resources

ResourceXpress will connect with a resource calendar to create bookings, these will need to exist in G Suite.

If you do not already have resource calendars see below for how to create these.

Creating Resources in Google

Log in to the Google Apps administrator control panel. The URL is https://admin.google.com.

Navigate to Directory → Buildings and resources → Manage resources


Using the large (+) plus button, choose to Add new resource.


Populate the fields as required, then click ADD RESOURCE.

Select the newly created resource from the list.


Copy the Resource email found on the left side of the screen.
You will need this later for configuring resources in ResourceXpress.


Enable External Sharing for Secondary Calendars

To allow ResourceXpress to view, create and modify calendar events in the resource calendars external access needs to be granted for all secondary calendars via the Google Admin.

From the Google Admin home, select Apps → Google Workspace → Calendar.


From here, scroll down to General settings and click External sharing options for secondary calendars.


Choose Share all information, and outsiders can change calendars, this is a requirement for ResourceXpress to view, create and modify calendar events.


Click Save.

Add Resources to Admin Calendar

All resources being added to ResourceXpress will require their shared settings to be modified.
To access these settings you will need to access these calendars from an admin account.

Log into Google Calendar with your Admin credentials https://calendar.google.com

On the left side of the screen, click the (+) plus symbol alongside Other calendars.

Choose Browse resources from the list.

Find the required resources and click the checkbox to subscribe.

Once all the required calendars have been added, use the back arrow found in the top left to return to your calendar.

You will see these calendars now available under My calendars.

We will return here after the next section so leave this tab open.

Setup Google Cloud Console

Open the Google Cloud Console https://console.cloud.google.com

Create a Project

Login with a Google Admin Account, click CREATE PROJECT.


If you do not see this option, select your company name, found on the top-right.


Then click NEW PROJECT.


Enter a Project name, and select the relevant Location.


Click Create.

Enable APIs & Services

You will see a notification indicating the new project has been created.

You will automatically be taken to the projects APIs & Services screen.


From here find the Google Calendar API.




Once enabled you will be taken to the API overview page.


Using the wizard select the following options.

Which API are you using?

Google Calendar API

Where will you be calling the API from?

Other UI (e.g. Windows, CLI tool)

What data will you be accessing?

Application data

Click What credentials do I need?


Enter a Service account name.

Take note of the Service account ID. We will need this soon.

Select the Owner role, this is found under Project.
For the Key type choose P12.

Click Continue.

You will now be shown a message confirming the Service account and key has been created.
The P12 key will automatically be downloaded.
We will need this shortly.



Share the Resource Calendar with the Service Account

Now that we have the service account created we will need to allow it access to the resource calendars.

Return to your Google Calendar.

Select the “three-dot menu button found alongside the resource name.

Click Settings and sharing.

Scroll down to find Share with specific people.
Click Add people.

Enter your service account email ID that we created in the previous section.
Under Permissions, choose the option Make changes to events.

Click Send.

You will now see this account listed under Share with specific people.

Repeat this for each resource calendar.

Configuring the ResourceXpress Server

Navigate to your ResourceXpress Admin Dashboard.

Using the top navigation menu, click Administration Settings → System Settings.

Enter the details as below.

If you are using an RX Hybrid licence ensure you select Google under Booking System.

Server Host Name


Server Port


P12 Certificate

Use Choose File and select the downloaded .p12 key file.

Global Resource Credentials

Resource Login User ID

Enter the service name used when creating the service account on Google.

This will be the section before the @ in the service account email address.

Resource Login Password


This is provided by Google. This is usually set to “notasecret”.

Resource Login Domain

Enter the domain added to the service user account email.

This will be the section after the @ in the service account email address.

Create & Configure Profile Settings

The next step is to add resources to ResourceXpress.
Please follow our guide on Creating and Editing Resources found here - Create & Edit Resource Profiles.

When configuring the Connection Properties sections you will need the Google email address for the resource.

This can be found in the Google Admin under Buildings and resourcesResource management → Resources section.

It can also be found under the Integrate calendar section from your Admin calendar.
Navigate to your calendar, select the three-dot menu for the resource.

Click Settings and sharing.

Scroll to or click Integrate calendar.

The calendars email address is found under Calendar ID.

See the Connection Properties section of the Create & Edit Resource Profiles guide for information on where the email address needs to be added for each resource.

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