Create & Edit Resource Profiles

Each resource added to the system will require a resource display profile.
Your licence determines the maximum number of resource profiles you can create, there are 4 types of licences each offering varying levels of customisation and functionality, see the page for more information on this.

Before a profile can be created a location needs to be created.
See our guide on the to create a location.

To create a new resource profile or edit an existing one.
Open the Resource List screen:


  • Click +Create in the top right of the screen to create a new profile.

  • Click next to the resource that you want to edit.

The Resource Info form is displayed.
There are up to six tabs for you to work through:





Resource Name

Enter the full name of the resource as used in the Resource Server, e.g. Exchange Server resource name.

Resource Name – Display

Enter an alternative resource name for the display, to use if the name is too long or unsuitable for the displays.

Licence Type

Select the type of licence that you want to apply to this resource:

  • Room Screen

  • Workspace

  • Huddlespace

  • Non-Bookable Workspace

Space Type

Select whether the resource is a Room, Desk, Assigned, Parking or custom space type.
See Space Settings tab for more information on custom space types.

Assigned Spaces are not available for profiles with Rooms Screen licences

With the space type Parking, users will be prompted to enter a booking reference (car registration or driver name) when booking via a touch screen.

Assigned User

Choose the user you would like to Assign to this space.


Select Yes if you are using Qubi devices with this profile.


Set the location of the resource.

Enable Ring Fence

Enabling this will allow for resource nearby to be selected for ring-fencing.
When this resource is booked it will automatically set the nearby resources as unavailable.

Ring Fenced Spaces

Enter the name of the resource profiles you wish to be included in this resources ring-fence.

Complete the Resource Information section to specify the information that is displayed when the optional Info icon is selected on the resource screen:




Enter the number of people that this resource (normally a room) can seat.

Resource Information Image

Upload an image for the resource.


Select the equipment available for the selected resource. Equipment is managed in System Settings.

Show Info Icon

Select ‘No’ if the Information button is not required at the bottom of the display. The default setting is ‘Yes’.

Search Icon

Custom values for use with the new kiosks advanced search.

Report Equipment Problem

This option is enabled by default.

Setting this option to Off will restrict users from being able to report issues with equipment.

Resource Description

This can detail any other relevant information required to be displayed about the resource.

Complete the Display Settings (Basic):






Screen Background Image

Set a background image for the Display Profile.
This is only available for profiles using the Room Screen licence.

Graphical Time bar

Enter the number of hours to be displayed on the time bar for a resource.

Time bar Start Hour

Setting this value will lock the time bar to only display a selected time period, choose 0 to allow the time bar to always show the current time.


Select the stylesheet to be used for the display.

Show Booked By

Enabled by default.
When disabled the booking organiser's name will not be shown.

Show Session Status

Used to show or hide a particular room screen, e.g. 'Session in Progress – Ending in X min(s)'.

Hide Attendees for Private Session

When enabled the attendee list for Private Sessions will be hidden.
This is also a System and Location-based Setting, check-out the system settings Display Tab guide and Location-based System Settings guide for more information on this.

Complete the Display Settings (Advanced):





Advanced Display

Select 'Timed Page Sequence' to alternate between displaying the resource screen and the Content-Type specified in the next item.
Select 'Smart Digital Signage' to automatically display alternative content (specified in Content URL) if there are no resource bookings to display. The content will cycle every 60 seconds.

Content Type

If you have selected 'Timed Page Sequence' above, you may select 'Additional Language Screen' or 'Content URL' here.
If you have selected 'Smart Digital Signage' then you cannot select 'Additional Language Screen'.

Content URL

Specify the URL path to the external content.

Specify the URL path to the external content.

Click Save.

The Connection Properties tab is used to specify the details required to connect to the resource server:





Booking System

Use the dropdown list to choose the booking system this profile will connect with.
If using a local-only ResourceXpress system this will only display Local, if using a Hybrid licence this will offer more options including Local, Exchange, Google and other 3rd Party Booking Systems

Resource Email

Enter the email address for the resource.

Specify Credentials

By default account credentials configured in System Settings will be used.
Choosing this option will allow for alternate credentials to be configured below.

Host Name

This is the connection address for the external booking system.

Resource Server Port

Enter the HTTP/HTTPS port number.

Resource Login User ID

Enter the login user-id and password for the resource.

Resource Login Password

The password is normally case sensitive.

Resource Login Domain

Enter the login domain for the resource.

Use Graph API

To use Microsoft Graph API follow our guide on how to configure.

Use OAuth
OAuth Tenant ID
OAuth Client ID
OAuth Client Secret

OAuth is only available for Microsoft Exchange/Office 365.

Follow our guide on how to configure OAuth.

Enter the login domain for the resource.

Click Save.

The Interactive tab is used to configure which interactive options are available on-screen or via a connected device.
By default most of these settings will use System or Location-based Settings, however, if specific settings are required for just the selected profile they can be modified here.






By default, this value is set to Yes.
To disable all actions for a profile set this to No.

Maximum Duration of Individual Booking

This setting will block any reject any bookings which are longer than the configured number of minutes.

Book section:






Display Book Button

This value is used to allow users to create bookings for this profile in ResourceXpress.
Setting this to No will mean no bookings can be added from ResourceXpress devices.


If set to Yes users must enter their credentials before being able to create a new booking.
These bookings will then display as booked by the authenticated user.
If set to No any user can create a booking without authentication, bookings will be displayed as booked by the default users specified in System Settings.

Book in User’s Calendar

Enabling this feature will create the booking in the Organisers calendar and invite the resource calendar.

This differs from the default operation, where the booking is directly created by the resource calendar.

Display ‘Custom’ Button

The Custom button allows sessions to be booked later the same day.


Booking Title Mandatory

If set to Yes users will be required to enter a value into the Booking Title field.

Not In Use Dates

When enabled, a list of dates can be added when the resource is not in use.
Affected profiles will display as Not In Use and all actions will be unavailable.

Not In Use Days

When enabled, the days of the week are listed. These can be selected to enable Not In Use. Affected profiles will display as Not In Use on the selected days and all actions will be unavailable.

Mandatory Space Usage Acceptance

This allows for a message to be displayed to all users before they are able to create a booking.
Users are required to accept the terms before they are able to continue.

This can be useful for return to work, post-covid.
Here is an example of how the message will be displayed in Maps.

Check-In section:





Auto Cancellation

Select Yes to enable, this will auto-cancel resource reservations when a session is not started using the Check-In button, within the time specified in the following Check-In Starts/Ends settings.

The default setting is No.

Display Check-In Button

If the Auto Cancellation process is not enabled the Check-In button can be optionally displayed to record confirmation of session attendance for reporting purposes.
If the Check-In button is not pressed within the period indicated below the reservation is flagged as a No-Show but the reservation will only be cancelled if Auto Cancellation is enabled.

Check-In Action Using Mobile App

If enabled, users are provided with a Check-in button in the Mobile App.

Enabling Validate using QR Code requires users to scan a unique QR Code before a booking is checked in.

Check-in Starts

Enter the number of minutes before the scheduled session start time that the Check-In button is available.

Check-in Ends

Enter the number of minutes after the scheduled session start time that the Check-In button is available.

Check-In Authenticated?

Options other than 'No' allow the Check-In button to authenticate the user and confirm that the user name is either the session organiser (Booked By user), one of the named attendees (including the organiser) or any valid user.

The default setting is 'No'.

No Show Policy Enabled

This setting can be used to turn on or off the No show policy for recurring bookings.

Extend section:





Display Extend Button

Specify whether you want to show the Extend button on the screen. The default setting is 'Yes'.

Extend Button Appears

Enter the number of minutes that you want the Extend button to appear before the meeting ends.

For example, enter '30' here for the Extend button to appear 30 minutes before the end of the meeting.

'Extend' Authenticated?

Options other than 'No' allow the user to be authenticated by the Extend button, confirming that they are the session organizer (Booked By user), one of the named attendees (including the organizer) or any valid user.

The default setting is 'No'.

Check-Out section:





Display Check-out Button

Specify whether you want to show the Check Out button on the screen. The default setting is 'Yes'.

‘Check-out’ Authenticated?

Options other than 'No' allow the user to be authenticated by the Check Out button, confirming that they are the session organizer (Booked By user), one of the named attendees (including the organizer) or any valid user. The default setting is 'No'.

Instant Check-out

Change the way that the checkout button operates for room screens for this resource.
Select 'Yes' for checkout to occur immediately.
Select 'No' for checkout to occur after the nearest 5 minutes.
Select 'Use System Settings' to select the system default.

Use the On-Demand Map/Kiosk sections to configure the popup map/kiosk buttons available on Aura room screens:

Select Yes if you want to display the button, an example is shown below:

Select the map/kiosk profile that you want to display when the button is selected on a room screen.
Examples of how maps and kiosks are displayed are shown below:

On Demand Map:

On Demand Kiosk:

Use the Record Attendance section to record the use of RFID cards.

This is applied to all full resources only (e.g. rooms). Specifying 'Yes' allows users to present their RFID card to record their attendance using the meeting room screen, and allows administrators to view/export a report of users attending a session. This is only applicable for pre-booked sessions. It is disabled for floorplans.

Click Save.

If configuring a Room Screen see Room Screen Security.
If configuring a Qubi see Qubi Settings.

Room Screen Security offers a secure method of allowing only verified devices to access this resource's display profile.

Enter the MAC address for the Aura that will be used for this profile.
Multiple MAC Addresses can be added.

Click Save.

This section contains settings relevant to profiles using a Qubi.





MAC Address

This is used to connect the Qubi to this profile.
The MAC Address can be entered manually here, or by using the Unregistered Devices screen.

Last Known Model

Once the Qubi has successfully connected with this profile this value will display the Qubi Model and Firmware version.

Instant Booking Duration

This is the default duration of a booking made using the Qubi.

The next section is specific to using a Qubi3 device.





Display Mode

Configures the display mode of Qubi 3 to show either:

  • 1 line of booking information, such as 'User name' (Desk mode).

  • 2 lines with 'Now and Next' session information (Huddlespace).

LED Mode

Enables different combinations of LED bars to be selected to suit the location of the device.
For example, vertical mounting in Huddlespace or Meeting Room (Top and Bottom LED bars) or mounted on a desk (Bottom LED bar only).

Enable Auto Firmware Update

This provides per profile setting for overnight firmware updates.
This is useful for scheduled testing of new firmware on one or more devices before enabling overnight firmware update for all devices at 2 am.

Enable Check Out Satisfaction Survey

Enabling this feature will ask users to rate their meeting via the Qubi 3.

Enable Qubi Booking

v2022.2 name change
v2023.3 name updated

By default this option is enabled.
Setting this to No will restrict Qubi devices from being used to create bookings.


This option works in-conjunction with Enable Qubi Booking.
Setting to Yes will require authentication when creating bookings from a Qubi.

Force Reboot

At next live connection (within 60 seconds) force the device to reboot.

The Philips Hue Integration section is only required when connecting Qubi devices with Philips Hue lights





Philips Hue Integration Enabled

Enabling this allows ResourceXpress to control Philips Hue lights.

Hue Bridge IP Address

Enter the IP Address of the Philips Hue Bridge Gateway, to allow ResourceXpress to communicate with the Hue Lights.

Hue Light ID

Enter the individual ID of the Philips Hue Light that is to be controlled by ResourceXpress for this profile.

Click Save.

The following macros are not currently supported in the footer:
  • style