Reference | Section | Details |
RCA-608 | Admin | Multiple languages can now be configured using Location-based System Settings |
RCA-1075 | Admin | There are now more filtering options available in /wiki/spaces/RSG/pages/69403514 |
RCA-1076 | Admin | Minor UI tweaks to the Resource Connection Properties section. |
RCA-1379 | Admin, SSO | When using SSO, users who do not exist in ResourceXpress will by default be granted the User role. User Management |
RCA-1402 | Admin, Sign-in | There is a newly designed Sign-in screen. |
RCA-1460 | Admin | When navigating to the Forgot Password sign-in screen the email address will auto-populate if it was entered on the sign-in screen. |
RCA-1155 | Maps | Maps will only display a maximum of three characters on the resource marker instead of the original four. |
RCA-1274 | Kiosk | A new option has been added to My Events for a user to cancel their upcoming bookings. |
RCA-1224 | Admin | Mandatory Booking Title, a new option has been added to prompt users to enter a booking title when creating new reservations from Kiosk, Maps or the Room screen. |
RCA-1310 | Reports | An extra column has been added to the booking report Excel export to indicate All-Day bookings. |
RCA-1399 | Users | It is now possible to update existing users using the Import Users via CSV feature. This feature compares the email address field to update or create new users. |
RCA-1401 | Users | The sample Import Users CSV has been updated to display example email addresses in the UserName column. |
RCA-1498 | Qubi | Updated the Qubi3 LED options, changed Bottom only to Top and Side LEDs only. |
RCA-1429 | Kiosk | When accessing Kiosk from a browser or mobile device, if the user has already signed into the Admin console or Booking Manager they will be automatically signed into Kiosk. |
RCA-1283 | Reports | The All Bookings Report now has location filtering options. |
RCA-1284 | Reports | The No Show Bookings Report now has location filtering options. |
RCA-1285 | Reports | The Device Event Log Report now has location filtering options. |
RCA-825 | Booking Manager | Booking description and attendees will now be updated in external booking systems when modified via Booking Manager. |