Location-based System Settings

Location-based System Settings

This feature was added in v1.4, check out the full release notes for this version here.
v1.4, v1.4HF1 - July 2019

What are Location-based System Settings?

This feature allows custom system settings to be applied to an entire location. This can be used to apply settings to any location level, such as setting an alternative language for each country, or using a unique facilities email address for each building or even applying a custom screen background image for each floor.

Location-based System Settings rely on the location hierarchy, settings applied to a building will also apply to all floors of that building etc.

Configuring Location-based System Settings

For this feature, Locations will need to be configured, check out the page Locations Tab on how to set this up.

From the location list, which can be found in Administration Settings > System Settings > Locations there is an option to Create Location Settings, which is indicated by a setting cog with a plus symbol.

After clicking the Add icon the settings screen will be shown. This will auto-fill all settings to match its parent location settings. If no other Location-based System Settings are enabled, this will auto-fill with the Global System Settings.

To navigate to other tabs you need to Save first.

After making the required changes for this location, click Save.
Now any profile that is assigned to this location, or sub-location, will start following these settings instead of the Global System Settings.

Getting to Location-based System Settings from a Profile

To make it easier to see if a specific profile is using Location-based System Settings there is now a link available from each Profile edit page.

When viewing the Edit screen for a profile, the location settings will be displayed alongside the Profile name, this will also link to the Location-based System Settings.

Temporarily disable Location-based System Settings

If the Location-based System Settings need to be disabled for a specific location temporarily there is an easy way to turn them off without having to delete them.

From the Location List tab, there is a switch icon alongside each location. Turning this on will cause all profiles in this location, and sub-locations, to fall back to the parent settings if no parent settings are configured the profiles will use the Global System Settings.

Deleting Location-based System Settings

To delete Location-based System Settings, navigate to the Locations Tab, which can be found on the System Settings page, under the Administration Settings menu. All locations which have custom settings applied will display a cog with a trash can icon. Clicking this icon will request for confirmation before deleting the applied settings.

Once the location’s settings have been deleted, all the profiles that were using these location settings will use the next settings in the location hierarchy. If no other location settings are enabled the Global System Settings shall be used.


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