[v1.2] Space Settings Tab

[v1.2] Space Settings Tab

This page has been depreciated as of version 1.3, check out the latest version here.

Use the Space Settings tab to identify the various spaces used within ResourceXpress. The default space types are 'Desk', 'Parking' and 'Room'.

Choose to:

Create a Space Type

  1. Click Create in the top right of the tab to display the Add/Edit Space Type form:
  1. Enter a clear and concise Name for space type.
  2. In Icon Path, click Choose File to add an image. The image identifies the space type in ResourceXpress screens.
  3. Click Save.

Edit a Space Type

  1. Click next to the space type that you want to change to display the Add/Edit Space Type form:
  2. Enter a clear and concise Name for space type.
  3. In Icon Path, click Choose File to add an image. The image identifies the space type in ResourceXpress screens.
  4. Click Save.

Delete a Space Type

  1. Click next to the space type that you want to delete.
    A popup box is displayed prompting Are you sure you want to delete ?
  2. Click OK.
    The space type is removed from the list. 
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