


Tech specs


ARM Quad-core 1.6GHz


Android 5.1 / Android 7.1


HTML5 / Android API






3.5”, 480x320, multi-touch, 350 nits


13.56MHz and 125KHz (HID technology support option)


WLAN 802.11 b/g/n, single band 2.4GHz

IO port

1 x Micro USB for Power-in
1 x Micro USB for ADB / OTG
1 x Micro USB for Host sensor


122mm x 116mm x 13mm

Operating Temp.




Power on

The TD-350 is powered via micro USB.
A USB A to micro USB cable with a screw attachment for security is supplied with the device.

A USB wall plug is not provided with the device.

Accessing the configuration settings

After powering on the device there will be a 20-second delay before the configured content will be displayed; during this time you can cancel this process and exit to the configuration settings screen.

If the content is already being displayed, you can tap 10 times in the bottom right corner of the screen to exit out to the configuration screen.

If there is a password set on the device this will need to be entered before the settings are accessible.

You will now have access to the TD-350 player and device configuration settings.



Connecting to the network

To connect the TD-350 to a Wi-Fi network you will need to access the Device Configuration screen.

Information about the devices network status is displayed in the centre of the three boxes found on the configuration screen.

Tap this box to view all available Wi-Fi networks.

Connect to the correct network, then press the circle button found at the bottom of the screen to return to the main configuration screen.

The TD-350 does also support an Ethernet connection.
This does require an additional Ethernet to Micro USB adaptor.

Device configuration password

To restrict access to the device configuration and settings a password can be set.

To enable a password you will need to exit out to the Device Configuration screen.

Tap the Settings box on the bottom right of the screen.

This will take you to the Android settings view, scroll down and find “Security password”.

Check the box to enable “Security password”.

You will then be prompted to enter a password, then again to confirm.

Once complete, tap the circle button found in the bottom-centre of the screen to return to the configuration screen.

Connecting to ResourceXpress

To display live resource information you will need to connect the TD-350 with your ResourceXpress server.

Firstly, you will need to exit out to the device Configuration Settings screen and ensure you are connected to the network.

You will need to enter the below URL into the Content field found in the centre of the Configuration screen.


Replace “<your-server>” with your own dedicated ResourceXpress server URL.

If you are on SaaS this will likely be something similar to “https://app.rx-cloud.com”, replacing app with your company name.

Then tap the “SAVE AND PLAY” button.

Prepare an RX profile

This guide assumes that a profile is already created in ResourceXpress.
For information on creating a new profile see our guide here.

Create & Edit Resource Profiles

Navigate to the Resource List in the ResourceXpress Admin Dashboard and find the profile that is to be linked with this device.

Click the Edit icon ( ).

Under the Resource Info tab, ensure that this profile’s Licence Type is configured as either a Workspace, Huddlespace or Non-Bookable Workspace. The Qubi option will need to be set to Yes.

If changing the Licence Type the Space Type value will need to re-selected.

Click Save after making these changes.

Registering a TD-350 with an RX profile

If this is the first time you are configuring this device with your server you will see a message stating “This Device is Unregistered” along with the MAC Address shown in red.

Take note of the MAC address displayed on your device screen as this will be used to register a profile with the device.

Via Unregistered Devices

In the RX Admin Dashboard navigate to Reporting ModuleUnregistered Devices.

You will see a list of all the unregistered devices.

Using the Register icon () you can quickly link a device to an unregistered profile.

After a few seconds, the device screen will update to display live resource information.

Via the profile settings

In the RX Admin Dashboard navigate to Administration SettingsResource List and find the profile for this device.

Click the Edit icon () then choose the Qubi Settings tab.

Enter the MAC address displayed in red on the device screen into the MAC Address field.

Click Save.

After a few seconds, the device screen will update to display live resource information.

Additional Options

Unregister a TD-350

In the RX Admin Dashboard navigate to Administration SettingsResource List and find the profile for this device.

Click the Edit icon () then choose the Qubi Settings tab.

Remove the MAC Address from the MAC Address field.

Click Save.

After a few seconds, the device screen will update to display the unregistered message.

Remote reboot a TD-350

In the RX Admin Dashboard navigate to Administration SettingsResource List and find the profile for this device.

Click the Edit icon () then choose the Qubi Settings tab.

Set the Force Reboot option to Yes.

Click Save.

After a few seconds, the device will reboot.

Adjust the LED brightness

In the RX Admin Dashboard navigate to Administration SettingsSystem Settings and choose the Qubi tab.

This setting can also be configured via Location-based System Settings.

Location-based System Settings

Under the Qubi 2 header adjust the LED Brightness option.

Click Save.

After a few seconds, the device’s LEDs will update.

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