Equipment Tab

Equipment Tab

Use the Equipment tab to set up the devices used in each room. For example, the name and image used to identify a telephone on the ResourceXpress screen:

Choose to:

Create Equipment

  1. Click Create on the right of the tab to display the Add/Edit Equipment form:
  2. Enter a clear and concise Name and Description for the new equipment.
  3. Upload images to identify the equipment in the ResourceXpress screen:
    1. Image Path. Click Choose File and upload an image to identify the equipment.
    2. Fault Image Path. Click Choose File and upload an image which identifies a fault in the equipment.
  4. Click Save.
    An example of how equipment is displayed in a resource is shown below:

Edit Equipment

  1. Use the Search box and the navigation tools to find the equipment that you want to work with:
  2. Click next to the equipment that you want to change to display the Add/Edit Equipment form:
  3. Enter a clear and concise Name and Description for the equipment.
  4. Upload images to identify the equipment in the ResourceXpress screen:
    1. Image Path. Click Choose File and upload an image to identify the equipment.
    2. Fault Image Path. Click Choose File and upload an image which identifies a fault in the equipment.
  5. Click Save.

Delete Equipment

  1. Use the Search box and the navigation tools to find the equipment that you want to work with:
  2. Click next to the equipment that you want to delete.
    A popup box is displayed prompting Are you sure you want to delete ?
  3. Click OK.
    The equipment is removed from the list and also removed from any ResourceXpress screens it was previously displayed in.

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