Configuring QR Codes for the RX Mobile App

The RX Mobile App v2 or later has a built-in QR code scanner, this can be used to perform certain actions, such as Search and Check-In.

This feature is available only on RX Mobile App v2 or later. For assistance in configuring QR Codes please contact our support team at

The Mobile App uses JSON data to determine a defined action, a QR Code containing this JSON data can be scanned using the RX Mobile App.

All the examples below are written in JSON, basic knowledge of JSON is not required, however, it may be useful. Check out this w3school page on What is JSON.

QR Code Generator

To generate a QR code you will need to use a 3rd Party QR Code Generator, there are many free options available.

In this guide, I will be using

Ensure that the QR code generator is set to use TEXT input.

Once the QR Code has been generated, it can be downloaded and used as needed.

Check-In QR Codes

To use QR Codes to allow check-in you will first need to enable this setting. This can be found under the Interactive Tab for either System Settings, Location-based Settings or on a per profile basis with Profile Settings.

Check out our guide that covers the Check-In Options.

Use the below value to create a Check-In QR Code.

{ "resourcename": "Huddle 01", "checkinresourceid":1 }

You will need to update the ID value (1) with the ID for your profile.

The QR Code will be displayed on the right, you can now download this image to be used where required.

Search QR Codes

Using a QR code for Search can allow users to quickly perform a pre-defined search.

All the Filter option available in the RX Mobile App can be configured into a QR Code, see the table below for all the options that can be configured.








The value provided here will populate the “Search bar” found in the Mobile App, this can be the name of a Resource Profile

{ "resourcename": "Desk 01" }


This can be used to filter results down to a specific location.

This is a JSON Object, this accepts the following location options;
Country, City, Site, Building, Floor, Zone

{ "rxlocation": { "Building": "New York Office", "Floor": "10th Floor" } }


This can be used to filter results to resources that include certain equipment.

This is a JSON Array, this accepts a comma separated list of equipment.

Each value must be be contained in quotation marks (“ xxx “)


This can be used to filter results to resource that include certain keywords.

This is a JSON Array, this accepts a comma separated list.



This will filter the results to only resources that are currently available.


The booking duration accepts a number, in minutes, that a resource should be available for.


This will filter the type of space shown in the results.

Currently, the options available are;

R → Room
D → Desk
P → Parking

QR Code Examples

Find all FREE ROOMS in the NEW YORK OFFICE Building
Find all FREE DESKS in the LONDON OFFICE, GROUND FLOOR available for at least 1 HOUR
Find any FREE resource with VIDEO CONFERENCE equipment
Show details for MEETING ROOM 01


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