Booking Manager
Booking Manager
- Booking Manager is only available for users with an Admin role.
- Booking Manager is only available for exchange/office 365 booking systems.
Booking Manager allows admin users to book rooms and resources using the ResourceXpress system rather than through the system screens and devices.
Bookings for rooms and resources made by other users can also be edited and deleted from here. Others users can only manage their own bookings.
- Select Booking Manager in the header to display the booking screen:
- Use the filters to search for a resource with the feature that you want to book:
- Click the first filter button and select a location type for the bookings that you want to view. This could be country, city, floor, etc.
- Click in the field next to the filter button and select the specific location of the resource.
- Click and select the attendee capacity of the resource that you to book.
- Click in the Select Equipment field and select the equipment that you want to be available in the resource that you want to book.
- Click
The resources with the features that you want are listed in the bottom left of the screen. .
- Choose to:
, multiple selections available,
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