New Marker Style

New Marker Style

We have updated the classic pin drop resource marker style for a clearer and more modern aesthetic.

  • This is an opt-in UI update.

  • Some experience with JSON is recommended but not required.
    If you require any assistance please contact our support team at helpdesk@qedas.com

Old marker style
New marker style

The new marker has an updated shape along with an always visible name label, allowing users to easily find the correct resource.

The name labels can easily be hidden using the show/hide tooltip button.

How to test the new marker style

To test the new style before enabling it for all users you can add &newmarkers to the end of the Map URL.

Navigate to the Map Profiles page via the Admin Dashboard, this can be accessed under the Administration Settings menu.

Find the Map profile that you want to test, then click the Preview icon ().
The map will be displayed in a popup window, copy the URL for this page.

Paste the URL into a new browser tab and append &newmarkers to the end of the URL.

The new markers will now be displayed.

How to enable the new marker style

By default the new marker style is disabled, it can be enabled via the Stylesheet.

Navigate to the Stylesheets page, found under the Administration Settings menu.
Find the correct Stylesheet from the list and click the Edit icon ().

Navigate to the Map Profiles page via the Admin Dashboard, this can be accessed under the Administration Settings menu.

Find the Map profile that you want to update, then click the Edit icon () in the Action column.

This is the Stylesheet that needs to be updated.

You will see the Stylesheet editor, it should look similar to the above.

In the JSON text above the line /** LINE REQUIRED - CSS BELOW **/ add the below value after the first curly brace “{ … }”.

"new_markers": true,

The stylesheet should now look like this.

Click Save.

On the next refresh, the Map markers will update to the new style

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The following macros are not currently supported in the footer:
  • style