Custom Label Direction

Custom Label Direction

Configure the direction each label shows relative to it’s Marker.

  • This option is only available when using the new marker style.

  • Some experience with JSON is recommended but not required.
    If you require any assistance please contact our support team at helpdesk@qedas.com

Each label can be set to display to the left, right, top or bottom of its Marker.

How to configure

Similar to the new marker style, these options can be configured via the Stylesheet.

Navigate to the Stylesheets page, found under the Administration Settings menu.
Find the correct Stylesheet from the list and click the Edit icon ().

Navigate to the Map Profiles page via the Admin Dashboard, this can be accessed under the Administration Settings menu.

Find the Map profile that you want to update, then click the Edit icon () in the Action column.

This is the Stylesheet that needs to be updated.

You will see the Stylesheet editor, it should look similar to the above.

You will need to modify the JSON data found above the line /** LINE REQUIRED - CSS BELOW **/.

Here is an example of a customised Stylesheet.

For Space Type Labels

Label direction by Space Type

This option will set all the labels for resources of a space type to display in the direction.

In the JSON section of the stylesheet, you will need to add an object with the key "label_direction_byType".

This object will accept 4 values which in turn expect an array of space types.

"label_direction_byType": { "top:": [], "bottom": [], "left": ["Desk"], "bottom": ["room","Secret Location"] },

Empty arrays do not need to be listed in the "label_direction_byType" object.
They are shown above for demonstrative purposes.

Label direction by Space Type ID

This option will set all the label directions based on the resource ID number.

In the JSON section of the stylesheet, you will need to add an object with the key "label_direction_byID".

This object will accept 4 values which in turn expect an array of IDs.

"label_direction_byID": { "top": [], "bottom": [], "left": [], "right": [42, 44, 45, 48, 50, 51, 54, 56] },

For Other Marker Type Labels

Label direction by Marker Type

This option will set all the labels for specific marker type to display in a chosen direction.
The marker type options available are:

  • Maplink

  • URL

  • Non-Interactive

In the JSON section of the stylesheet, you will need to add an object with the key "label_direction_byHotspotType".

This object will accept 4 values which in turn expect an array of marker types.

"label_direction_byHotspotType": { "top:": [], "bottom": [], "left": ["Maplink"], "bottom": ["URL","Non-Interactive"] },

Label direction by Resource Object ID

This option will set all the label directions based on the Resource Object ID number.

In the JSON section of the stylesheet, you will need to add an object with the key "label_direction_byHotspotID".

This object will accept 4 values which in turn expect an array of IDs.



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