- Select Booking Manager in the header to display the booking screen:
- Click
- Enter a clear and concise name for the booking in the Event field.
- Select the type of Resource that you are booking.
- Click in the Attendees field and select the users that are to attend the event/booking.
- Set the time and date for the booking, either:
- Check Is All Day and select a Start Date.
or - Leave Is All Day as unchecked and select and Start Date/Time and Duration for the booking.
- Check Is All Day and select a Start Date.
- Mark the event as Is Private for the booking title and description to be replaced with default system values, such as 'Bookings not available'. See Private Session Subject for setting the default value.
- Mark the booking as a Recurring Booking, if required, and select an End Date for the recurring booking to end.
- Use the free text box to enter details of the event.
- Click Save.
The event is listed in the booking calendar.