Display Tab
The System Settings Display tab allows for global control over the different display or UI elements throughout the system, such as showing the Logo, Time and Date, as well as which date format should be used.
These are the Global System Settings values, these values can also be configured on a per-location basis using Location-based System Settings Location-based System Settings.
General Options
Field | Description |
Show Logo | Choose whether your logo should be shown throughout the system. This will include Room Screens, Kiosk & Qsign |
Show Clock | Choose whether the current time should be shown throughout the system. This includes Room Screens, Kiosk Maps, Qsign, Qubi & TD-350 The time shown is based on the resource profiles location |
Show Date | Choose whether the current date should be shown throughout the system. This includes Room Screens, Kiosk Maps, Qsign, Qubi & TD-350 The date shown is based on the resource profiles location |
Show Info Icon | Choose whether the addition info button should be shown throughout the system. This will include Room Screens, Kiosk & Maps |
Show Booked By | Enabled by default. This setting will affect all profiles. |
Report Equipment Problem | This option is enabled by default. Setting this option to Off will restrict users from being able to report issues with equipment. |
Equipment Problem Authenticated? | When enabled users will be required to authenticate before reporting any equipment issues. The reporting users details will be logged with the report. |
Date Format | Choose how the date will be displayed throughout the system. This will include Room Screens, Kiosk & Maps |
Screen Time Format | Choose if the time displayed is in 12-hour or 24-hour format. |
Default User Name | When a booking is created without authentication this name will be displayed as the booking organiser. |
Default Booking Title | When a booking is created via ResourceXpress without a Booking Title/Subject this value will be displayed by default. |
Ring Fenced Booking Title | This is the title/subject given to bookings that are made due to a ring-fence booking. |
Private Session Subject | This is the title/subject shown when a booking is set to Private. |
Hide Attendees | Ticking this box will hide attendee information for private bookings. |
Default Screen Refresh Interval | This option has now been deprecated and is no longer functional. Screen refresh time will always be 60 seconds. |
Session Start Alert Time | This is the amount of time before a booking/session begins that the message alerting users that the next session will be start soon will appear. A count down in minutes will be displayed. |
Session End Alert Time | This is the amount of time before a booking/session ends that the message alerting users that the current session will be ending soon will appear. A count down in minutes will be displayed. |
Show Session Status Information | Set to 'Yes' or 'No' to show or hide the session in progress status information, e.g. 'Session in Progress – Ending in X min(s)'. The default setting is 'Yes'. |
Max. Subject Length | Used to limit the length of the meeting and meeting organiser titles that are displayed, respectively. If the actual titles contain more than the number of characters specified here, the remainder is truncated and replaced with '…'. The default setting is 0 (unlimited).
Max. Organiser Length | |
Truncate Organiser at | Sometimes the name of the meeting organiser may include additional information that you do not want to display, such as a job title. Use this field to truncate the name to remove this additional information. To do this, enter the non-alphabetic character at the point from which you want to truncate. For example, 'John Smith' is listed in the Resource Server as 'John Smith (IT Manager)'. Additional information is shown in brackets. Enter '(' in this field to display as 'John Smith' in ResourceXpress. The default setting is blank, meaning that the organiser's name is not truncated. |
Reverse Organiser Initials | When a desk is booked in ResourceXpress it displays the initials of the user who booked it. As they are taken from the Directory used by the Resource Server, these initials get displayed back to front depending on the setup. Check this option to correctly display the booked by users' initials in the floorplan desk icons. |
Logo Settings
Field | Description |
Logo URL | Use the Choose file button to upload your logo. |
Logo Width | Set the width of your logo in pixels. |
Logo Height | Set the height of your logo in pixels |
Use the Stylesheets option to adjust the logo position.
Colours, Background & Fonts
Field | Description |
Page Background Colour | Select a background colour for all screens. This will be the background colour for all screens if no background image is specified below. The background colour may be altered in the stylesheet used for the resource profile. |
Page Background Image | Click Choose file and select the file that you want to upload as a default background for all resource screens. This may be overridden for an individual resource by specifying an image in the resource profile. |
Past Session Time-bar Colour | Select a colour for the time-bar representing past, current and future sessions. An example of how this is displayed is shown below. |
Current Session Time-bar Colour | |
Future Session Time-bar Colour | |
Current Session Details Colour | Select a colour for the text providing current and future details under the time-bar. An example of how this is displayed is shown below. |
Future Session Details Colour | |
Setup Time Colour | Select a colour for the time-bar representing setup and cleardown. |
Cleardown Time Colour |
Use the Fonts section to set the font sizes for various items:
Field | Description |
Resource Name Font | The resource name in the screen banner. |
Digital Clock Font | The digital clock to the right of the screen banner. |
Current Session Details Font | The text under the time-bar that describes the current or next session. |
Future Session Details Font | The text under the time-bar that lists future sessions. |
Font settings can be overwritten in stylesheets.
Additional Language, Working Day & Messaging
Field | Description |
Additional Language Settings | |
Additional Langauage Config File | Using the dropdown list if you want to set an additional language on the resource screen. This is useful for multilingual locations. See Configure Additional Language for more information on configuring an additional language for a selected resource. Click Edit to access the Additional Language File if you need to edit any of the file attributes |
Working Day | |
AM Start | Set the start time for the working day and morning AM bookings, i.e. 09:00 (9:00 am) |
AM End | Set end of the working morning and AM bookings, i.e. 13:00 (1:00 pm) |
PM Start | Set the start time for the working afternoon and afternoon PM bookings, i.e. 13:00 (1:00 pm) |
PM End | Set the end of the working day and end of afternoon PM booking time, i.e. 17:00 (5:00 pm) |
Enable Energy-Saving Mode for Screens | When Energy-saving is enabled, screens will display as black 1 hour after the PM End until 1 hour before AM Start. |
Messaging | |
Resource Messaging Enable | Enable to display messages on resource screens. |
Message Persistance | The duration, in seconds, for how long each message will be displayed on screen before cycling to the next message. |
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