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Each resource requiring a display must have a resource display profile. This is usually a room screen.
Your licence determines the maximum number of resource profiles you can create.

To create a new resource profile or edit an existing one.

  1. Open the Resource Display Profiles screen.
  2. Either:
    • Click Create in the top right of the screen to create a new profile.


    • Click  next to the resource that you want to edit.
    The Resource Info form is displayed.
  3. There are up to five tabs for you to work through:


  1. Complete the first section of the tab:



    Resource Name

    Enter the full name of the resource as used in the Resource Server, e.g. Exchange Server resource name.

    Resource Name – Display

    Enter an alternative resource name for the display, to use if the name is too long or unsuitable for the displays.

    Licence Type

    Select the type of licence that you want to apply to this resource:

    • Room Screen. Used with Aura.
    • Workspace. Used with Qubi and desks.
    • Huddlespace. Used with Qubi 3.

    Space TypeSelect whether the bookable resource is a 'Desk', 'Parking', 'Room' or custom space type See page for more information on custom space types.
    If it is a 'Parking' type, users will be prompted to enter a booking reference (car registration or driver name) when booking via a touch screen.
    QubiThis field is not displayed for Room Screens.
    Select 'Yes' if the resource has an active Qubi associated with it.
    Local ModeUse local mode for a stand alone system.
    Setting this to 'Yes' allows resources to be created and booked only in ResourceXpress, without the need to add new resources to the third-party booking system.
    LocationSet the location of the resource.

  2. Complete the Resource Information section to specify the information that is displayed when the optional Info icon is selected on the resource screen:
    Image Removed




    Enter the number of people that this resource (normally a room) can seat.

    Resource Information Image

    Upload an image for the resource.

    Image size should be 400 x 250 px .


    Select the equipment available for the selected resource. Equipment is managed in System Settings, see page 46.

    Show Info Icon

    Select ‘No’ if the Information button is not required at the bottom of the display. The default setting is ‘Yes’.

    Search Tags

    Custom values for use with the new kiosks advanced search.

    Resource Description

    This can detail any other relevant information required to be displayed about the resource.

    displayed when the optional Info icon is selected on the resource screen:
    Image Added




    Enter the number of people that this resource (normally a room) can seat.

    Resource Information Image

    Upload an image for the resource.


  1. Note

    Image size should be 400 x 250 px.


    Select the equipment available for the selected resource. Equipment is managed in System Settings


  1. .

    Show Info Icon



  1. ‘No’ if the Information button is not required at the bottom of the display. The default setting is


  1. ‘Yes’.

    Search Tags

    Custom values for use with the new kiosks advanced search.

    Resource Description

    This can detail any other relevant information required to be displayed about the resource.

  2. Complete the Display Settings (Basic):



    Screen Background Image

    Specify a background image to be used for this resource. This should be sized according to the screen resolution, e.g. 1024 x 768 or 800 x 600. If this field is blank, the system default background is used.

    This feature is only used in Aura systems.

    Graphical Timebar

    Enter the number of hours to be displayed on the timebar for a resource.

    Image Removed

    For 800 pixel wide screens, we recommend 7 hours, for 1024 pixel wide screens (including Android tablets), we recommend 9 hours. These settings produce a rolling 24 hour time-bar. For a fixed 10 hour time-bar (0800-1800) enter 10 hours.

    Timebar Start Hour

    For a fixed (i.e. non-rolling) timebar, select a start hour. The default setting is 0, giving a rolling timebar


    Select the stylesheet to be used for the display.

    Image Removed

    Standard stylesheets for 800 and 1024 wide room screens are provided. See

    page ,

    Appendix C – Stylesheets for details on how to modify them for non-standard screens.

    Show Booked by

    Specify whether you want to show details of the user who booked the session.

    Show Session Status

    Used to show or hide a particular room screen, e.g. 'Session in Progress – Ending in X min(s)'.

  3. Complete the Display Settings (Advanced):



    Advanced Display

    Select 'Timed Page Sequence' to alternate between displaying the resource screen and the Content Type specified in the next item.

    Select 'Smart Digital Signage' to automatically display alternative content (specified in Content URL) if there are no resource bookings to display. The content will cycle every 60 seconds.

    Content Type

    If you have selected 'Timed Page Sequence' above, you may select 'Additional Language Screen' or 'Content URL' here.

    If you have selected 'Smart Digital Signage' then you cannot select 'Additional Language Screen'.Image Removed


    If you select Additional Language Screen then you must configure the Additional Language option

    (see Appendix B)


    Content URL

    Specify the URL path to the external content.

  4. Click Save and select the Connection Properties tab.

Connection Properties

The Connection Properties tab is used to specify the details required to connect to the resource server:Image Removed

Image Added

  1. Complete the fields shown:


    Use to…

    Resource Server Hostname

    Enter the host name of the Resource Server.

    Use Local Authentication

    Select 'Yes' to use the user id, password and domain entered below to authenticate on a resource-by-resource basis.

    Resource Email

    Enter the email address for the resource.

    Image Removed

    The address is used by the system as the key for looking up bookings.

    Resource Server Port

    Enter the HTTP port number.

    Resource Login User ID

    Enter the login user id and password for the resource.

    Resource Login Password

    Image Removed


    The password is normally case sensitive.

    Resource Login Password

    Resource Login Domain

    Enter the login domain for the resource.

  2. Click Save and select the Touch Screen Setting tab.

Touch Screen Settings

Use this tab to configure the touch screen settings for a specific resource differently to the default system-wide configuration:

This provides a degree of fine tuning which is extremely powerful and flexible to suit individual resource requirements.
This feature might be useful, for example, to allow one or more rooms to have check-in and check-out buttons but no SmartbookTM, to restrict local booking. (All bookings would then have to be made at the desktop).
Another use might be to have a system-wide policy of check-in and check-out for comprehensive actual utilisation reporting, but for only certain rooms to have the autocancellation process enabled (or disabled).
Work through the settings shown:
