EWS & OAuth 2.0 Configuration for Office 365
This guide covers how to configure ResourceXpress to use OAuth 2.0 to connect with Office 365.
Pre-requisites & Limitations
If using EWS, Exchange Impersonation for all resource mailboxes is mandatory for the service account(s)
Please see the Microsoft Office 365 configuration guide for instructions to configure Impersonation
Exchange Impersonation is not a requirement when integrating using Microsoft Graph API
ResourceXpress Settings
To configure OAuth in ResourceXpress first sign into the admin console, using the navigation menu across the top select Administration Settings then System Settings, the OAuth options can be found under the Resource Server tab.
If using a Hybrid Licence ensure Exchange is selected in the Booking System dropdown.
These settings can also be applied to individual Resource Profiles or Location-based System Settings.
For individual profiles follow this same procedure but fill in the options found under the Connection Properties tab found in the profile settings.
For Location-based Systems follow this procedure filling in the settings by location found under the Locations tab in System Settings.
Firstly, select Yes for Use OAuth.
The Resource Login User ID is the service account email address that has impersonation rights to all room mailboxes.
Follow the steps below in a new tab/browser window to get get the OAuth Tenant ID, Client ID and Client Secret.
Register an Azure Active Directory App
Navigate to https://portal.azure.com, from here select Azure Active Directory.
From the left-side menu choose App registrations then click New registration.
In the Register an application window enter a name for your application.
Select the Supported account types and click the Register button.
Add API Permissions
Next, select API Permissions under Manage, found on the left menu.
full_access_as_app required
Mail.Send permission optional
User.Read.All & Group.Read.All permission optional
Generate the Client Secret
Select Certificates & secrets from the left menu found under Manage.
Then click New client secret.
Enter a Description and select the option for Expiry.
Click Add.
Click the Copy to clipboard option for this client secret value, return the ResourceXpress Admin Console tab and paste this value into the OAuth Client Secret field.
Getting the Client & Tenant ID’s
Return to the Azure Portal, select Overview from the left menu.
From here copy the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID and paste these into the relevant fields in the ResourceXpress Admin Console.
The Azure Portal page can now be closed.
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