The home screen is the landing page for the Kiosk, below are the core ID’s and Classes that make up the structure of the home screen.
In this example, we will show you how to change the default Kiosk (left) to look like the modified Kiosk (right). The full CSS for this change is available at the bottom of this section.
Firstly, to change the background colour modify or add the #homeMenuContainer element to the Kiosk Stylesheet. If using the pre-installed Kiosk Stylesheet this element may already exist.
Default blue background
#homeMenuContainer {
background: #1976D2; /* default home screen blue*/
Change the colour value from #1976D2 to #119977.
Green background
#homeMenuContainer {
background: #119977; /* overwrite home screen blue with green */
Next, we will change the style of the navigation buttons using .homeIcon.
This will involve adjusting the shape and colour of the button as well as moving and resizing the icon and text displayed using pseudo elements.
Modify or add the .homeIcon class into the stylesheet and apply the below rules, see inline comments for what each rule is changing.
Home screen button
/* home screen button */
.homeIcon {
background: #fff; /* change background from transparent to white */
color: #555; /* overwrite text & icon colour from white to dark grey */
height: calc(120px - 20px); /* set height to locked 120px, minus 10px padding */
width: 120px; /* set width to locked 120px */
margin: 0 15px; /* add space between each button */
border-radius: 50%; /* change button to circle */
font-size: 2.5em; /* modify text & icon size */
In this example the height value is set to calc(120px - 20px) this is done because there is default padding applied to the top and bottom of these buttons of 10px which makes the element taller than it is wide, this value could be set to just 100px for the same result.
The next step is to adjust the icon and text location, these are pseudo-elements which are contained within the .homeIcon, add or modify the below elements to the Stylesheet.
Button icon CSS
The final change is to adjust the position of the lock icon for My Events so its not cut off by the edge of the circle button.
Add or modify the .mini-lock element.
Mini lock CSS
Here is the full CSS (without comments), this can be copied directly into the Kiosk Stylesheet to get this modification.
Full home screen CSS