Creating and Editing Stylesheets

Creating and Editing Stylesheets

Change the appearance of certain features on the display screens. For example, you may want the clock to appear in a different position and in a different font or you may want to change the colour of the room name background. In all of these cases, you will need to do the following:

  1. Open the ResourceXpress admin console in a browser.
  2. Select Administration Settings in the header.
  3. Select Resource List from the menu to display the Resource Display Profiles screen:
  4. Click  in the profile that you want to edit, select the Resource Info tab:
  5. Scroll to Display Settings (Basic):
  6. Make a note of the stylesheet name (in this case it is 'RX Astro V3 Timebar').
  7. Go back to the Administration Settings header and select Stylesheets:
  8. Create a new version of your selected stylesheet, click in the stylesheet that you previously noted:
  9. Copy the content and click Back to List.
  10. Click + Create in the top right of the screen and paste the content in the Add/Edit Stylesheet form:
  11. Enter a new Stylesheet Name and Description and click Save. To return to the stylesheets list.
  12. Click in the new stylesheet to start editing the content.
  13. Click Save once you have made changes.
  14. Review the effect of the changes by returning to the Resource List:
    1. Find the necessary resource display profile and pressing the icon.
    2. Select the Resource Info tab and scroll to Display Settings (Basic).
    3. Select the new stylesheet from the Stylesheet dropdown and click Save.
    4. Click Back to List and click  in the profile to preview the display.

      Final testing should always be done with the actual screen which will be used in practice, as screen dimensions and resolution may be different.

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  • style