2023.3 - July 2023
Here you will find a list of all the Features, Improvements and Bug fixes added to this version of ResourceXpress SaaS.
New features
Reference | Section | Details |
RCA-3074 | Maps | Country level maps are now available as a top level navigation. |
RCA-3095 | Microsoft 365, Office 365 | An option to include a Teams Meeting link in the booking description has now been added. |
Reference | Section | Details |
RCA-2792 | Admin, Email | An option to test new Email Settings is now available in the Email System Settings. |
RCA-3146 | Azure AD | Azure AD sync can now handle over 999 users. |
RCA-3073 | Bookings | Added the ability for local bookings to be automatically checked in when scheduled within the CheckIn window, preventing auto-cancellation. |
RCA-3001 | Graph API | GraphAPI corrupt bookings are now handled gracefully. |
RCA-3141, | Kiosk, Maps | When choosing to authenticate using an Access Code, the keyboard will automatically appear. |
RCA-3126 | Maps | The Timeslider will now take setup and cleardown times into account when showing workspace free and busy states. |
RCA-3143, | Kiosk, Maps | Improvements have been made to the booking UI popup. |
RCA-3152 | Maps | The location navigation now includes an option to enable/disable the location hierarchy filter. |
RCA-3142 | Maps | There is now options to choose the label position of Maplinks, URL markers and Non-Interactive markers. |
RCA-3082 | Qubi 3 Connect | The Qubi firmware will only update with Auto Firmware Update (@0200) if the current Qubi version is different to version configured in the applicable Live or UAT Firmware setting (at System Setting, Location or Profile level). |
RCA-3145 | Kiosk | Kiosk Free Spaces no longer prompts users for the Space Type if only one value is assigned in the Kiosk settings |
RCA-3164 | Admin | The text label "Qubi Booking Override" has been updated in the Qubi Settings to "Enable Qubi Booking". |
RCA-3174 | Microsoft 365, Office 365 | Improvements have been made to how data is downloaded when using the Scheduler and Push Service. |
RCA-3181 | Qubi3 Connect | Improvements have been made to the Qubi3 Connect validation method to avoid a "Download not authorised" message. |
Bug fixes
Reference | Section | Details |
RCA-3160 | Admin | Fixes an issue where "Object reference" is shown when viewing a Resource Profile warning. |
RCA-3168 | Admin | Fixes an issue where duplicate options where being shown in the admin dashboard. |
RCA-2936 | Admin, Reports | Fixes an issue where All Booking reports for the last 30 days would not run. |
RCA-3111 | Admin, User Settings | Fixes an issue where an error would be shown if a users booking colour was empty. |
RCA-3153 | API Service | Fixes an issue where setup/cleardown times were not being taken into account for available booking options. |
RCA-3064, | Azure AD | Fixes an issue where unselected attributes where still being synced, causing user data to be overwritten. |
RCA-2902 | Azure AD | Fixes an issue where the AzureAD last sync datetime was showing incorrectly. |
RCA-3080 | DB | Fixes an issue with the InsertUpdateBooking DB function. |
RCA-2970 | Maps | Fixes an issue where the 'The Time Slot is Unavailable' warning would show for future day bookings incorrectly. |
RCA-3000 | Microsoft 365, Exchange | Fixes an issue where Exchange bookings would not be synced when the Push Service was stopped. |
RCA-3137 | NFS, Qubi | Fixes an issue where the booking start time would not update during Check-In synchronisation. |
RCA-3060 | Qubi | Fixes an issue where user would be able to book resources even when configured as Non-Interactive. |
RCA-3138 | Qubi | Fixes an issue where Check-Out was not working when “Record Attendance by RFID using Qubi” was enabled. |
RCA-2965 | Qubi | Fixes an issue so the firmware version in a Qubi resource profile will only update if both the parameters (Q & F) are present. |
RCA-3161 | Room Screen | Fixes an issue where the booking title field would update removing user entered text. |
RCA-3132 | Maps | Fixes an issue where Maps would fail to load when a Space Type name includes a "/". |
RCA-3176 | Room Screen | Fixes an issue where the room screen UI would refresh when creating a booking via a Map/Kiosk popup. |
RCA-3178 | Microsoft 365, Push Service | Fixes an issue with an invalid filter data exception in Push Service while processing a notification. |
RCA-3189 | Microsoft 365, Push Service | Fixes an issue where a push subscription is created recursively even though it is not necessary. |
RCA-3194 | Microsoft 365, Push Service | Fixes an issue where booking updates would not be reflected in ResourceXpress. |
Known Issues
Reference | Section | Details |
RCA-3110 | Booking Manager | Using the Booking Manager to create recurring bookings in Exchange or Microsoft 365 connected resources can cause double bookings. |
RCA-2750 | Zoom | The Check-In action from ResourceXpress is not correctly updated in Zoom when connecting to Exchange via GraphAPI. This issue could cause bookings to be auto-cancelled by Zoom even after check-in from ResourceXpress. To avoid this issue the Zoom meeting must be started within the Check-In period specified in Zoom. |
IE & Maps | There are a few known compatibility issues with Maps working with IE and the Windows-based RX Client Application. If you are using Kiosk and Maps on a Windows based Kiosk please contact helpdesk@qedas.com before upgrading to this version. | |
RCA-3208 | Booking Manager, | When creating a recurring booking, the resource account will be set as the event organiser and the user will only show as an attendee. |
RCA-3214 | Hybrid Licence, | The Push Service can fail to synchronise bookings with Outlook when using a Hybrid Licence. |
RCA-3220 | Maps | The navigation dropdown options in the left menu do not load. |
RCA-3221 | Maps | The map will fail to load when accessing a country level map directly in browser. |
Additional bug fix added to this version, see v2023.3 HF 1 & HF 2 .
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