2024.3 - August 2024
New Features
Reference | Section | Details |
RCA-3084 | Admin, OAuth | A new feature is introduced to capture the OAuth Client Secret Expiry Date and remind from 7 days before expiry via admin banner and email. It is recommended to use this feature to avoid any potential downtime. It will be mandatory for the entry of a new Client Secret but recommended for existing Client Secrets. Note: New RX Scheduler V1.0 is required for this feature to send reminders. |
RCA-3394 | Admin, Outlook App | A new option is now available in System/Location Settings to Create or Edit Work Places ready for use with the new RX Outlook App (ETA Q4 2024). |
RCA-3395 | Admin, Outlook App | A new option is now available under User Management/My Settings to update the Working Days, Time and Location ready for use with the new RX Outlook App (ETA Q4 2024). |
RCA-3441 | Admin, Users, Import | Implemented a new column named "Obsolete" in the User Import file. This column facilitates the bulk deletion of user records from ResourceXpress. |
Reference | Section | Details |
RCA-3453 | Security | Improvements have been made to the moment.js library by upgrading it to version 2.17.1. |
RCA-3480 | User Management, Import | Improvements have been made by validating the Access Code and RFID fields during User Import to avoid duplications. |
RCA-3481 | Config | Improvements have been made to the web.config by incrementing the default value for AuthTokenExpiry as 14 days. This would help to avoid frequent login requests to the RX Mobile app. |
RCA-3466 | Qubi3 Connect | Improvements have been made to the Qubi request rs.aspx by adding the new parameter “(r=)” to store the RFID version. |
RCA-3469 | Qubi3 | Improvements have been made to the DB by adding a new column to store and update the RFID version. (Requires a future Qubi 3 firmware version, do not use until release) |
RCA-3467 | Qubi3 | Improvements have been made to the rs.aspx response parameter for Satisfaction Survey. |
RCA-3327 | Qubi3, Qubi3C, Reports | Improvements have been made to the Qubi Settings and Qubi Device Report to display dual MAC (Wi-Fi and Ethernet) addresses when using the external Connect device. |
RCA-3476 | TD03XX | Improvements have been made by removing the Device Type and Firmware version for every API request, which are included only in the startup log. |
RCA-3475 | TD03XX | Improvements have been made by changing the API request interval from 30 seconds to 60 seconds. |
RCA-3450 | Security | Additional security methods have been implemented for system-wide image uploads. |
RCA-3451 | Security | Additional security methods have been implemented to access and update the Qsign Profiles configuration. |
RCA-3452 | Security | Additional security methods have been implemented to the QSign Profiles->Additional Language page URL to redirect to the authentication page after logging out and clicking the Back button. |
RCA-3455 | Security | Additional security methods have been implemented for the system-wide usage of Access Codes. |
RCA-3456 | Security | Additional security methods have been implemented for User record deletions. |
RCA-3487 | Security | Additional security methods have been implemented for User Role deletions. |
RCA-3471 | Security, User Management | As a security improvement, Import/Export feature in Users List page has been removed for User Admin role. (Note: To use Import/Export feature in Users List page now requires Super Admin or Server Admin role) |
RCA-3463 | Security, User Management | Additional security methods have been implemented for User Role deletions. |
RCA-3478 | Security, User Management | Improvements have been made by validating the Access Code and RFID fields during import to avoid duplication. |
RCA-3387 | RX Office App | Improvements have been made by changing the response structure for API |
RCA-3384 | RX Office App | Improvements have been made by implementing the response structure for the “UserImage” in API |
RCA-3385 | RX Office App | Improvements have been made by adding the default Work Place details in API |
RCA-3386 | RX Office App | Improvements have been made by changing the request parameter from StartTime and EndTime to StartDateTime and EndDateTime to handle multiple requests in API |
RCA-3389 | RX Office App | Improvements have been made by filtering the combination of Work Place exception and default Work Place in response to API |
RCA-3449 | Kiosk | Improvements have been made by adding the label to indicate that new users create new access codes during self-registration. |
RCA-3493 | Scheduler Service | Improvements have been made to the Scheduler Service with v1.0 which includes an email for Client Secret expiration. Starting 7 days before the actual expiry date, an email will be sent daily until the new client secret is updated. |
RCA-3454 | Logs | Improvements have been made by adding more logging in Asure integration. |
RCA-3489 | Admin | Improvements have been made to the message popup while booking a room/desk using “Book in Users calendar” feature. |
Bug fixes
Reference | Section | Details |
RCA-3406 | Admin | Fixes an issue with the warning message for Quick Book options, which keeps showing when user made some changes to the other fields and save the page. |
RCA-3407 | Maps | Fixes an issue with the Booking Confirmation email incorrectly displaying times in UTC. |
RCA-3336 | TD03XX | Fixes an issue where the duplicate bookings options for 15 mins and 30 mins are displayed. |
RCA-3340 | Office 365, Graph API | Disabled the “Book in User’s Calendar” feature for non-O365 resource profiles in Resource Profile Settings. |
RCA-3420 | Admin | Fixes an issue by adding the “ReportEquipmentProblem” and “ResourceEquipmentProblemAuthenticated” columns to the Resource Profiles export file. This change prevents errors during import. |
RCA-3482 | Admin | Fixes an issue where the OAuth Authentication is validated if the password in Basic Authentication is null which caused a failure to send Emails. |
RCA-3483 | Maps | Fixes an issue where the users cannot upload Map file size larger than 4 MB and now it is fixed to upload up to 10 MB. |
RCA-3485 | RX Office App | Fixes an issue where the APIs are not handling the array in response to the default workspace for multiple events. |
RCA-3490 | RX Office App | Fixes an issue where the Start and End times in the GetWorkPlaces API response are incorrect. |
RCA-3473 | RX Office App | Fixes an issue where the database error is thrown for API |
RCA-3440 | Admin | Fixes an issue where the sync fails when “Use Resource Server Settings” is selected for the Use OAuth field in User settings. |
RCA-3491 | Admin, User Management, Azure AD | Fixes an issue where, after syncing with Azure AD, a deleted user remains assigned to a resource profile in ResouceXpress. |
RCA-3494 | Admin | Fixes an issue where the “Use OAuth” in Email settings reverts to “Yes” after clicking the Save button. |
RCA-3497 | RX Office App | Fixes an issue where the default work places in the API response for (GetSettings) and (GetWorkPlaces) do not display the updated details. |
Known Issues
Reference | Section | Details |
RCA-3110 | Booking Manager | It has been reported that under some circumstances when using RX Booking Manager to create recurring bookings for Exchange or Microsoft 365 integrated resources double bookings can occur. This is thought to happen for a particular resource when the RX bookings are out of step with the Exchange bookings due to synchronisation issues. |
RCA-2750 | Zoom | The Check-In action from ResourceXpress is not correctly updated in Zoom when connecting to Exchange via GraphAPI. This issue could cause bookings to be auto-cancelled by Zoom even after check-in from ResourceXpress. To avoid this issue the Zoom meeting must be started within the Check-In period specified in Zoom. |
RCA-3486 | Kiosk | Using the Filter option with “Free for duration” shows the result including Assigned spaces. |
RCA-3549 | Roomscreen, Aura, Aura-X | Access code authentication in Aura/Aura-X is not working due to the encryption mechanism implemented in V2024.3. |
RCA-3551 | QSign | QSign screen requires signing in, due to the security improvements implemented in V2024.3. |
RCA-2469 | Admin, Users | Systems with a large number of users may currently experience timeout issues in the Users List page. Until a future fix is available please contact helpdesk@qedas.com for details of a workaround. |
RCA-3324 | Microsoft 365, | With room screen bookings, there can be situations where due to delays with the server receiving push notifications from Microsoft 365 the screen does not show the booking until the next screen refresh (every 60 secs). If this problem is experienced there is a hot patch workaround available to improve the user experience. |
IE & Maps | There are a few known compatibility issues with Maps working with IE and the Windows-based RX Client Application. If you are using Kiosk and Maps on a Windows based Kiosk please contact helpdesk@qedas.com before upgrading to this version. |
Additional bug fixes added to this version, see 2024.3 HF1 - September 2024
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